If was to sign, it would most likely get the part timer /Lesnar type contract.
Now the question is how many dates is he open to doing or would it be a 1 off type deal. Saying if he was to get banned for 2-4 years, being a part timer he'll be able too get around the ban, otherwise if he was to be full time (which is highly unlikely) wouldn't the various sporting commissions try to enforce the ban. I'm sure this was a topic that was bought up regarding Brock last year.
Because isn't
If Vince could do big show versus mayweather.
It should be logical that we get a brawl for all bones v lesnar.
Yet vkm is out of touch and inept as fukk.
So, he probably will not because he failed with brawl for all, and all his xfl and body building ventures.
Plus, vkm would not plan for the fact Jones could best lesnar and be racist that he ruins the draw appeal of a Jones win as well.
Imo, bones is your next start to the boom in simple theory.
I just do not know how to swing it to work with how inept the wwe is now.
As the wwe is so scared to create any stars.
they will not risk lesnar as a draw and probably will not try to be visionary like they did with tyson, hbk and scsa.
Tyson was not a long term draw base ideal, whereas lesnar is.
Which I don't think vkm has any idea what to do with after there is no lesnar.
So, I do not see them risking it, even to pop more subs for the network at 9.99.
Art Barr