I been wondering the same thing. MW3 is cool so I'm not sh!tting on it but I don't play it how I use to
BF3 seems dope but I downladed the demo and was disappointed.
I then try to rent the game thru Gamefly & Redbox but I still had to buy an online code which kinda turned me off. I've played with my friend a few timess and it was cool and probably a more tactical game but it just didn't seem as fun to me. I'm sure if I spent more time with it that might change but I don't game as much as I used to so I'ma probably chill
Bruh, dont judhe the game by the demo. I'd never played BF before and I played that demo and thought it was TRASH.

I woulda never bought this game if it wasnt on sale for $29 black friday.
But now, it's the only game I play.