So are you suggesting that little boy should have been aborted because his mom was going to leave him? Are you serious? First after this video the mom will be investigated.
So are you suggesting that of all the 100s of thousands maybe millions of children that are neglected and abandoned were born with fit parents and ideal situations for them to thrive in? I'm no advocate of abortion but unfortunately it is a necessary stopgap to combat situations like this. There is no worse suffering than that of a child that has parents who cannot provide the adequate care and love for them to thrive in the first place.
And like I said in the post you quoted, WHITES are the greatest recipient of government aid. Not BLACKS, Not HISPANICS, Not OTHERS. This is just another stat that some publication pulled out of their ass to try to shyt on blacks, When teen pregnancy within the black community has been on the decline for the last 2 decades. The fact that they won't even speak about the situation on a nation wide level and limit the study to NY lets you know what the agenda is.
*By the way, everything I've stated within this post is fact and can be supported by GOV. studies and other private entities. Watch who you get your news from breh. It's a tool used by "them" to keep the cycle of self-hate going. In their eyes why would they want you to know what progress your race of people have made? why should they give you a reason to feel good about yourself when their backyard is even more dirty? It's a divide and conquer tactic and capitalistic warfare in it's finest form.