Exactly. And opposite with Thought. Streams 1 was short and 2 and 3 were longer. Ransom's Director's Cut 1 and 2 were short, but 3 is long.never understood this logic either. seems lazy af. if you notice, Black Thought did the same thing. Ransom too...even though I can understand Ransom reasoning a little better but on all of the releases the first two were EP's and the third was album length. I think the album length one should be treated as separate from the previous two in the series.
I also think it cheapens the first body of work when it's not intended to be a series and then it suddenly starts getting sequels made.
Evidence and Currensy are the best at making sequels without numbering them.
Evidence with weather themes
- Weatherman
- Cats & Dogs
- Weather or Not
Currensy and Harry Fraud with aquatic boat themes
- Cigarette Boats
- Marina
- Outrunners
Westside Gunn is the worst at numbering sequels.