Blacks are already going extinct bruh. Have you checked the murder rate? Blacks are killing blacks faster than the KKK could ever have dreamed of. There's literally no reason for the KKK to exist anymore simply because it would be an exercise in futility. Ghetto blacks are the new KKK.
this is the type of tripe that republicans and far right conservatives like the tea party want people to believe. spout bs rhetoric about blacks and try to pass it off as fact. the black population is rising and expected to keep rising.
and let you people tell it nonwhites also make up the majority of americans on welfare...
no reason for the kkk and white nationalist groups to exist anymore? that's true to a certain extent because they'd rather operate under a cloak of obscurity. all those old school bigots and racists are now lawmakers, police chiefs, governors, head of corporations. they believe it's the birthright of white people to always maintain the top tier of everything in this country and all other races should be third class citizens with unequal rights and economic conditions.
All this is happening under the watch of democratic leaders. You really think blacks could be in a worst off position than they're in today? Its damn near impossible dude. Even if the republican party openly admitted to not caring about black people, I still think their policy would be more benefitical to blacks. The democrats claim to LOVE black people and they have all the best intentions, and look what happens when you have a predominate black city run by a democrat. There's literally no exception to it, you can look all over the country.
you're a horrible conservative troll with 0 facts to back up your arguments. the republican party already admitted to not caring about minorities, it was in their presidential platform on the last election and it's represented very clearly in the diversity of their party representatives. and using your dumbass assumption about predominately black cities, you fail to acknowledge that the states these cities are in are RED states with REPUBLICAN governors who limit access to education, healthcare and jobs that would improve the conditions for minorities. these republicans also disenfranchise and dilute the voting rights of minorities to make it tougher for us to weigh in on decisions that impact our well being.
The democrats have already proven themselves to be incompetent. 50 years is long enough dude we don't need to wait another 200 to get it through our heads. It's about time we jumped ship and tried something new. It couldn't possibly be worst than what we're doing now.
Matter of fact if we started voting republican, I think the republicans would try as hard as they could to PROVE that conservative ideology is superior to liberal ideology even for black people. It would be in their best interest to make sure their policy helped blacks so we could vote for them in every election.
Democrats don't have to ensure they're policies are working. You know why? Because they can guarantee that 93%+ of blacks will vote for them in every election without fail, regardless of how the democratic plan works out.
you are so far out of touch with the republican platform over the past 6 years you must have a mental disorder. they have gone so much further to right that they're cannibalizing their own party to make the shift even more pronounced. republicans became religious fanatics; they are at war with education, science, environment, poor, old, women....etc. you name it, anything progressive they hate.
trying to place failures of the underprivileged to make advancements solely at the feet of democrats severely understates the efforts by republicans at every level of the government, public and private sector to ensure that any policies that could benefit minorities and the poor fail. they'd rather cut off their noses to spite their face than improve standard of living and more even wealth distribution.