Black dudes fukk the shyt outta white girls just to piss off c00ns and white dudes. Black dudes know how mad white dudes and c00ns get when they see white women in love with black men.
Black men know how deeply racist white men love and cherish white women as a prize. So black men fukk the dogshyt outta white women to make racist white dudes feel inferior and suicidal.
Imagine how mad racist white dudes be everytime they see a white woman happily in love with a black man. Especially if she's a fine white woman, or a successful, rich, and wealthy white woman, especially if she's a celebrity white woman.
Then these white women start having kids with black men and marrying black men. In racist white dudes eyes that's a huge L for white men.
Black men got white men's most possessed prize loving black men and willing to do any and everything to please black men. Now you got all these white women choosing and preferring black men over white men.
Can you imagine how mad and pissed off and suicidal that makes racist white dudes and c00ns? Successful rich wealthy white women marrying and having kids with young black rappers. Black men getting all that white wealth and bringing it all back to the black community and the white woman love black people so much that she's happy all that white wealth is going to the black community.
Black men know how much that pisses off c00ns and racist white men. That's a huge win and victory for black men. And a huge L for white men. Then women say black men got the biggest dikks and know how to fukk better and know how to please and satisfy women better. Especially white women.