Obviously if your a white gm who doesnt care about unarmed black people being killed at the hands of police,you shouldnt sign Colin
....I dont think Colin would want to sign to anybody who would make him promise not to do it again,and he seems upstanding like he wouldnt lie.
but on that note,just dont get up there like Ray acting like "winning" is the most important thing here.....the mediator chick had to step in at the end and dead all that shyt Ray was talking about,by pointing out that even the owner Ray is defending bought up fans and sponsors and other shyt....so it AINT just about winning.
the owner is being a white man who like they said,doesnt care and doesnt have to care about black people being killed by police if they dont play for him.....If your his player,hopefully you just see where he stands....he dont care about black people who dont make him money,he doesnt care about the people of baltimore if you not buying tickets.. Maybe black Ravens fans should boycott and voice your displeasure,if its all about money hurt this owner only way he understands.