If they are going with Fiona actually dying then that should have been planned for the mid-season finale. Don't think we need a full season of the downward spiral.
I do think Steve-Jimmy, Jimmy-Steve will whisk her away to whatever Caribbean country he's hiding in.
Shameless just isn’t the same, I watched a couple of episodes this season but I wasn’t that interested. It seems like it’s picked up again from the comments. I’m working from home this week and bored as hell so maybe I’ll give it another go.
Season 1-6 was the best era.
Bring back slutty Karen
Gotham got canceledGuess Ian missed those regular Showtime cheques already. That was quick
Shameless just got picked up for Season 10. Looks like Ian is coming back next season
Guess Ian missed those regular Showtime cheques already. That was quick