Sunday can't get here enough :blacklawd:
He adds an interesting component to Fiona. He stabilizes her responsibility wise, but drives her bat shyt crazy emotionally. He's a double edged sword but ultimately is very good for her. He keeps her grounded and In check. It's not coincidence that as soon as he leaves she goes insane.
I remember in one of the first episodes of the first season she was already on the edge. I remember Frank being on the floor, and she was saying "dad get up" and then just started screaming with anger at his unconscious body. This was EARLY in Shameless. She was already at her breaking point in Season 1' , dealing with kids aNd maintaining a home, and trying her best to be everything her parents weren't. Jimmy just came and gave her new life, a new reason to believe in happiness again. Yeah, he brought some craziness too, but he also gave her stability, some help with the fam, love and support. And then as soon as he leaves she starts doing coke and Liam Almost dies.