It feels like it wasn't that long ago...he'll, even when he was with the Shield, the general gripe was that Ambrose should be heel and Seth should be getting a main event underdog push in the vein of a Jeff Hardy. I also recall people saying that Daniel Bryan should be champion with a proper run.
Here we are in 2019....Reigns is gone, Seth is main-eventing Mania, Ambrose is heel, Daniel Bryan is champion and feuding with AJ STYLES....
...and cats are here like

And here we are again and I'll ask now like I asked then.
If not Seth, who? I haven't seen much mention of Braun or Balor in this thread. Only main event suggestion I've seen was having Becky and Ronda headline...
Who should be taking :brawk: on instead and who should be pinning who at Mania for Big Red?