Simple answer:
When the internet was going mainstream in the 90s and early 2000s, it was a public square. Thousands of websites about whatever you're interested in. Now when people are using the internet they're using one of 5 websites(Reddit, Amazon, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter).
It used to be that you could stream movies through netflix OR rent a movie through blockbuster or redbox. Now if you want to watch a movie you're streaming on netflix or disney or prime.
Videogames are dominated by like 4 companies now who buy up any smaller developer with potential, then force them to work on whatever slop the company leadership believes will make them the most money.
There is a lack of domestic competition because the goal is to buy up anyone who can become competition in the future, then destroy them. You limit customer choices and you can sell them whatever you want at whatever price you want because they don't have alternatives. The government has allowed this to happen because these companies have also spent trillions lobbying politicians.
Social media has warped people's sense of reality and it's created awful incentives. Stupid or bullying comments get a lot of attention which encourages the bully or moron to double down. The collective intelligence of people is plummeting. I see posts written by people who seem like they have learning disabilities because they don't bother to even try spelling or punctuating correctly. Some of the posts online are barely coherent.
The end game for these companies is this:
Company towns and limited choice.
They want to run their own fiefdoms where you're forced to accept what they give you. The people running the movie and TV studios don't care about art, they care about profit. The same applies to all other creative industries as well. Music is worse, TV is worse, Film is worse, all because it's suits running these studios instead of former directors, producers or writers. They're attempting to replicate something that has been successful instead of taking risks because they do not understand these mediums or why they're important to people.