Other than Undertaker, every big man in history has done comedy at one time or another. Kane w/ Bryan, and doing the Spinarooni in 02, A-Train wearing lingerie and dancing with FUNKASAURUS Brodus Clay, Mark Henry sleeping with May Young, Heidenreich doing poetry about farting and carrying a 4 foot chocolate bar, Big Show....I mean....where do I even start with himhe spent half of 2000 doing parody gimmicks, and years ago was wearing a diaper for New Years
Snitsky was a baby killer and foot fetish guy, and Khali was a "punjabi playboy" dancing. Kozlov went from beating Undertaker CLEAN with a POWERSLAM on SD to teaming with Santino, dancing, and planking on JTG
Lars will not be immune to this, especially if the crowd reacts to him like a silent poot.
Matt Morgan had a stutter
Mabel (RIP) was a hip hop caricature
Big E, where do I even start?
Rikishi used to rub his ass in people’s faces
Guess Vince just finds big guys funny