Seriously I need some advice ladies, I can't get my wife & mom to get along.

Ghanaian Armor

Jul 3, 2015
Queens, NY
OP Women can't manage themselves. To expect them to do so is futile. But to tell the truth I don't care if my Wife and Mom get along or not. They are both there and exist to service me and help me in my ambitions. YOU are the prize, not them.

Your Mother brought you into this world it is her job to do what is in your best interest until either you or her dies. Same with your Wife. For YOUR sake they need to STFU and stop bickering. With this kind of mentality subconsciously everything will be in order eventually. They are there to support YOU not for YOU to help them bond. There is no need for them to bond directly. They can bond through their devotion to YOU.

My Mother didn't initially agree with my decision to get married in the situation that I did and they won't treat you like a Man until you put your foot down and say this is how it's going to be.

All Women need to be managed in your life your Mother is no exception. Even with the pre-nups and all the legal research that I explained, that is pointless because Women think in emotions not logic especially in regards to their children. My Father said OK you did your homework I wish you the best. After all I learned from his mistake with his 2nd estranged Wife. Mothers operate only off emotion especially if you are an only child. She is like are you sure about this blah blah blah. I am like how many times do I have to tell you this was something that was researched and thought upon for MONTHS before the decision was actually made. She is like how do you know she's not just in it for a green card, I'm like I have been abroad before (partly due to YOUR insistence while I was in college) and dealt with foreign Women extensively, it is highly doubtful in this case and even if worst case scenario happens I am legally protected and have consulted a Lawyer already.

What was most annoying is that as a Man I interpreted that she thinks I'm fukking stupid or something and doesn't trust my judgement. At the end of the day I realized that she is not thinking logically or fact checking all she sees is her little boy is going off with some other Woman.

Remember, ALL Women in your life have to be managed, your Mothers, Aunts, Grandmother, Daughters and Sisters etc. They are incapable of managing themselves often and need a Man to ground them in logic.


Nov 25, 2014
OP Women can't manage themselves. To expect them to do so is futile. But to tell the truth I don't care if my Wife and Mom get along or not. They are both there and exist to service me and help me in my ambitions. YOU are the prize, not them.

Your Mother brought you into this world it is her job to do what is in your best interest until either you or her dies. Same with your Wife. For YOUR sake they need to STFU and stop bickering. With this kind of mentality subconsciously everything will be in order eventually. They are there to support YOU not for YOU to help them bond. There is no need for them to bond directly. They can bond through their devotion to YOU.

My Mother didn't initially agree with my decision to get married in the situation that I did and they won't treat you like a Man until you put your foot down and say this is how it's going to be.

All Women need to be managed in your life your Mother is no exception. Even with the pre-nups and all the legal research that I explained, that is pointless because Women think in emotions not logic especially in regards to their children. My Father said OK you did your homework I wish you the best. After all I learned from his mistake with his 2nd estranged Wife. Mothers operate only off emotion especially if you are an only child. She is like are you sure about this blah blah blah. I am like how many times do I have to tell you this was something that was researched and thought upon for MONTHS before the decision was actually made. She is like how do you know she's not just in it for a green card, I'm like I have been abroad before (partly due to YOUR insistence while I was in college) and dealt with foreign Women extensively, it is highly doubtful in this case and even if worst case scenario happens I am legally protected and have consulted a Lawyer already.

What was most annoying is that as a Man I interpreted that she thinks I'm fukking stupid or something and doesn't trust my judgement. At the end of the day I realized that she is not thinking logically or fact checking all she sees is her little boy is going off with some other Woman.

Remember, ALL Women in your life have to be managed, your Mothers, Aunts, Grandmother, Daughters and Sisters etc. They are incapable of managing themselves often and need a Man to ground them in logic.
You are a moron.


Nov 25, 2014
I could care less what a Woman thinks about me but carry on...:russ:

Hold on let me update my Sig to make it even more clear....:jawalrus:
The phrase is "I couldn't care less". What you've written shows that you do care, and further proves my point that you are an imbecile.

Rocket Scientist

May 5, 2012
High IQ
Talk to ya wife and ya moms. LOL at leaving work because of drama,I understand that's ya wife and mom all due respect but calling me off the job to break up a fight between my wife and mom.Something would have to give.