getting blitzed.
Dudes let’s outsiders and their own punk em out of just saying American or being proud of that. We went through a lot, but even with that were American. We went through too much to sell ourselves short on that. You go to any other place outside of here they’ll call you American. I been to the Caribbean and countries in Europe; they call me an American. You can acknowledge all the wrong doing, while still acknowledging with all that, you’ve earned the title of Anerican; a true American. This mess of America, like it or love it is mine.Yeah I’m starting to lean to just American.
If white people don’t have to put a descriptor on their shyt, I don’t either.
Got these goofy foreigners thinking we don’t really belong in our own country.
Again, for purposes such as claiming what’s ours, saying your a descendant of our resilient, battle tested ancestors is fine. They built this shyt, and provided great things for us. Outside of that, I’m an American. You wanna call me black or a black American, that’s cool. Im fine with that.
I still fight for getting what’s ours, and vote for politicians that advocate for getting that. All the other stuff is silly.