These are the type of questions that should be asked in closed to the media sessions by Black financial supporters.
Other groups have people they vote for supporting issues that are very unpopular with the masses, that they ask for behind closed doors. By the time the masses find out about the deal, it has already been done. This need by us to be out in the open with our views and intentions on issues is one of the reasons why we are so easily outmaneuvered politically. You add in the inherent racism in the system, and we end up not really getting anything done on the sly or quick like other groups.
So really, we have to buy politicians and make behind the door deals with them. None of these gotcha moment questions by open reparation supporters nor the narrative of 'Vote Blue not matter Who' by Democratic true believers will get us any closer to the outcomes we desire. It will require cash to grease the wheels and get the legislation we desire passed. Until we collectively accept the fact that money has a more politically powerful influence on these politicians than votes and questions alone, we will continue to spin our wheels arguing with each other over which ineffective action is better to do.