I think this is hella flavorful, dashiki with some jeans and a cap. Casual wear.
Advanced Level
with that magazine ad. Its no accident. With all the black voices coming to the forefront, this is ad agency trying to tag onto the psychology of white "control" not being lost.
Just like that thread about the dog food, when the white and black dog owner meet on the sidewalk. It is the same thing, tagging on to current feelings/sentiments that are most popular in the media/society.
But here's the fun part...............we all are loosing our rights, our currency is fickle as shiit, and we are guinea pigs in various environmental/health issues taking place..... they want us divided along racial lines, and any other lines, so we don't see the bigger picture. Although, its great to be tribal and all at times, its also used as deflector of things arguably much more serious or will have a decade or more lingering impacts.