They shouldn't have massaged the numbers if you can even call it that but ultimately whether people died in a hospital yet were a nursing home resident seems like split hairs.
Hanging the state of nursing homes in general on Cuomo is a bit of a miss as well. It's a problem everywhere that needs to get addressed immediately and it's been screwed up for decades.
Also the death rate seems on par with elsewhere given the age group etc so it's not like he's directly to blame for more deaths.
I'm all ears though. I had an extended family member die of covid in a nursing home and had another family member in out of nursing home prior to covid for years. The state of our nursing homes, hospitals, and health care in general is really fukked up.
If our only alternative in NY(and elsewhere) was keeping people from nursing home in hospitals indefinitely there wouldn't have been enough beds for the general population from what I've read so I'm not sure that would've been the positive outcome people want either.
At the end of the day I blame complacency and allowing our health care system to breakdown prior to covid and then specifically Trump and his administrations response which made things worse.