Translation: "Following a statue of 13 cubits of stone from Het-Nub. Now the road upon which it travelled was very difficult beyong anything, now it was difficult for the heart of the people who were dragging great things on it, because of the difficult stone on the ground, being of hard stone. I caused the young men, young men of the recruits to come to prepare the road for it, a road together with a team of necropolis stonemasons of the quarry, and the superiors together with the learned. People of strength said: 'We come to bring it.' My heart was glad and the whole city rejoiced. The sight was very beautiful beyond anything. An old man among them leaned on a child. Strong men together with weak ones, their courage grew and their arms grew strong. A single one of them put forth the strength of a thousand men. Behold, this statue came forth from the great mountain was more valuable than anything. Ships were equipped and filled with supplies, accompanied by my troop of recruits. Young men support troops accompanying it. Their utterances in praises and favours towards me from the king. My children were adorned behind me. The people from my district were shouting praises. When I reached the harbour of this city, the city was gathered rejoicing. The sight was very beautiful beyond anything. Chiefs were appointed in front, governors were appointed to judge in the residence of this city, and customs houses were established on the river. Their hearts had not thought of the things I did, making the lower chapel for myself, founded for all eternity, after this tomb had been finished, with its construction for all eternity."
also they are more :
Transliteration: DAmw n jmntt wnt jw m Htp Dd-mdw jmntt m Hb Aw mnw n jwa xpr m pr.f pr jt.f jw.f m nxnw
Translation: "Young men from West of Wenet come in peace, saying: 'The west is in celebration, their hearts are glad as they see the monuments of their lords, the heir who grew up among them. His house was his father's house in childhood.'
Transliteration: DAmw n aHAtjw n wnt spr m Htp Dd-mdw nfrw n DAmw jr.n nb.f jwa wAD m Hswt jty nb jw.n swAD.n msw.f m-xt.f jb.n Aw m Hswt nt nsw mn wAH
Translation: "A troop of young warriors of Wenet arrive in peace. Saying of the recruits of warriors made of their lord: 'Heir who prospers by the favour of the sovereign, the lord. We come and make prosperous his children after him. We are happy with the favour of the king who is lasting and enduring.'
Transliteration: sA n wabw n wnt jwt m Htp Dd-mdw mrw DHwtj DHwtj-Htp mry nsw mrrw njwt.f Hssw nTrw.s nbw rAw-prw m Hb Aw Hswt.k nt xr nsw
Translation: "A company of priests from Wenet come in peace, saying: 'Beloved of Djehuti, Djehuti-Hotep, beloved of the king, beloved of his city, praised by all of its deities. The temples are in celebration, their hearts are glad as they see your favour of the king.'
Transliteration: DAmw n jAbtt wnt jwt m Htp Dd-mdw wDA.n nb.j r Trti nmtj Ha.w jm.f jtw.f m Hb Aw Ha.w m mnw.f nfrw
Translation: "Young men from East of Wenet come in peace, saying: 'My lord proceeded to Tchereti, Nemti rejoices over him, his fathers are in celebration, their hearts are glad rejoicing over his beautiful monuments.'
At the top and over the men at the ropes are groups of youths bearing palm branches. The inscription above them:
Transliteration: wnt m Hb jb.s Aw jAw.s Xrd DAmw swAD Xrdw.s Hr nhm m Hb sA m Hswt jty Hr jrt mnw.f
Translation: "Wenet is in celebration, their hearts are glad, its elders are children, its young men are refreshed, its children rejoice, their hearts are in celebration while they see their lord and the son of their lord, in favour of the sovereign, making his monument.
In advance of all these, oxen are being slaughtered, and rows of servants approach laden with offerings; inscription:
Transliteration: sxpt HAt wdHw jnnt spAwt.f jmt wnt n twt pn n HAtj-a DHwtj-Htp nb jmAx
Translation: "Bringing forth the best of the offerings brought by his districts in Wenet for this statue of the Governor Djehuti-hotep, revered.
A man, standing on the knees of the statue, beats time for the men at the ropes. He has the inscription:
Transliteration: xrp kAt m tat pn Dd-mdw Djt xn n mSa jn mdww DHwtj-Htp mry nsw
Translation: "Beating time for the soldiers by the foreman of Djehuti Hotep, beloved of the king."
Before him is a man offering incense, whom the inscription calls the artist of this tomb. Beneath are men of the "estate" "carrying water," and with them workmen "carrying planks for the dragging."
A doorway appears behind these people, which is intended to be the entrance of the building for which the statue is destined. It bears the name and titles of Djehuti Hotep and the name of the building itself:
Transliteration: mn mrwt DHwtj-Htp njwt m wnt
Translation: "The love of Djehuti Hotep abides in the Hare nome."