Psalm 149:5-9
Thats not true to a certain extend because doing Julius Caesar time and Socrates etc.... they were proud to talk about their knowledge and even stated that their gods came from Ethiopia. I mean Egyptian pharoahs built temples in ancient European.
I just want to know when did the practice started and which European group started that. Probably the Aryans from central Europe.
You are talking about Homer. Ethiopia is what they called the land/people from the Nile River civilizations.
The Greeks started it under Alexander the Great. It is detailed in the Apocrypha (originally in the King James Bible) which the Roman Catholic Church took out later because it exposes their propensity to change images to their liking and how corrupt people through their religious practices which they merged with Christianity. That is the reason why Christians today have a lot of pagan practices in their religion from Christmas to Easter, but they don't keep the passover or the sabbath. Ptolemy forced himself into the throne to be the Pharaoh of Egypt during the days chronicled in the Apocrypha which talks about the times leading up to the birth of Christ.
1 Maccabees 3:48
And laid open the book of the law, wherein the heathen had sought to paint the likeness of their images.
Its the reason why the modern day depictions of all the people in the Bible was pushed by the dirty Roman Catholic Church to change the likeness of the real Jews. They made sure to paint people ranging from Angels, to Adam, to Moses to Christ. It is also the same reason why the LORD made sure that John describe him in Revelation so that we know who the real Christ is before a we fooled by the fake Christ that we have been fed since childhood.
The practice is called iconoclasm
Iconoclasm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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