NRA about to be rolling in dough
The pipe bombs will be the NRA talking point
"If the other students had AR-15's the shooters shotguns would have been outmatchedAnyone else want to guess how the NRA will downplay this?
On February 28, 2018 local Santa Fe media reported that a number of "popping" sounds had sparked fears of a shooting at the school. This proved to be a false alarm.[2][3] On March 1, 2018 local police released a report that they were investigating threats made on social media against the high school.[4] [/
If we gave teachers mounted 50 cal machine guns and green berret Rambo training these mentally unstable troubled youngsters would be too scared to walk into a school with a gun...Anyone else want to guess how the NRA will downplay this?
look at this moron
Gun man taken into custody
I won't even it mention the obvious....
look at this moron