Not gonna lie, I wanted to smack the shyt out of Anton in this scene. nikka trying to be snarky and play semantics. I would’ve had his ass hot cause he wasn’t gonna win that battle with me. He would’ve smoked my ass.
“Will there be something else?

“You already asked me that

“...and yet you’re still standing here

anyway, I need to close”
“What time do you close?


“Now is not a time

“...hell, time isn’t time. It’s all relative but to you NOW is whatever time I decide it is. And that time is now

“What time do you generally close?

“Whenever I say so. Today it’s now. Tomorrow...

“You don’t know what you’re talking about do you

“Well you the only one asking questions so seems like you don’t know what you’re talking about.

He would’ve smoked my ass right there
Funny thing is, I had the feeling that Anton was most likely to have been killed by that old man in this scene. All his kills were due to his stalking. That’s why he got shot up when he had a head to head with Brolin. But in this scene, his annoyance gave up his element of surprise. That old man knew what Anton was on, or would’ve in real life. No way a old cac in Texas running a gas station doesn’t have a gun on him and common suspicion in the 80s.