Some good choice thus far. In fact, I was going to name a few like The Deer Hunter and Inglorious Basterds. The last scene to do that for me was IT (2017) with the opening scene with Georgie. The funny thing is that I knew that it was coming yet and he slowly reached down to get his boat, I still found leaning back with anxiety and knowing that Georgie was about to lose an arm.
Collateral also has some high tension scenes too. Especially the scene in the jazz club where Vincent (Tom Cruise) starts off as a jazz fan and then he slowly turns to his true intentions.
Another one later on is when Max (Jamie Foxx)goes to meet with Flex (Javier Bardem) and Max has to act like he's Vincent.
Another one is JAWS. Especially the beach scenes and you as the audience knows for a fact that there is a Great White roaming in the area and preying on everyone.