I'm up to level 29, phase 6 with Kasane and mannnnnnnnnnnnn when combat gets tight in this game it gets TIGHT
Just hit this boss called the Rotunda and that shyt was a whole Nier experience

I was not expecting layered mechanics in this kind of game. You gotta figure out how to do damage, how to stay alive, how to keep the damage window open, etc, and what party member abilities are best for each. I hope it wasn't a one-off type of deal because if there's more of that in this game then wew.
Also, shyt is demonic
they really keep piling on abilities and other parts to the skill tree too. i banked on exp stuff early on and it paid off, but you gotta be able to continue combos and invest in shyt that keeps you shmoving after a while.
shyts dope

was not expecting all this. hope it doesn't fall apart