Yea and now the cac glorifies MLK's position. Wheres Malcolms national holiday? Huey P Newton/Black Panther Party's? Heck, think Farrakahn will get one when he's gone? Are these people glorified by this society? Of course not. They chose MLK because they supported MLK's message since it didnt threaten what they wanted to accomplish. And still to this day it doesnt threaten what they want to accomplish which is why they honor him in the media.
C'mon man. You're ready to disparage MLK's legacy, while asking ridiculous questions like why don't Farrakahn & the Black Panthers have a national holiday?
Those in power are globalists and MLK's message supported their goal of globalism. Making yourself separate/tribal does not support this message. And that is the REAL reason as to why MLK gets glorified while Malcolm barely gets a mention..
No. MLK is more glorified than Malcolm for obvious reasons -- so obvious, I won't even lay it out. And I'm perfectly happy with MLK being more glorified than Malcolm, even though I appreciate them both. I don't need white people to glorify Malcolm.
Not only that, but even MLK is not genuinely "glorified". Your average white american hates MLK. Not all, but on average. The people at st0rmfr0nt have devoted a whole section of their website to disparaging him, with the same sort of stuff as in this thread. MLK seems "honored" by society because of the gesture of the national holiday (which many americans rejected) and because of media coverage that goes through the motions. ...But everything in my experience and insight tells me that it's a stretch to say your average american honors MLK.
Furthermore, (assuming MLK would've been a globalist) -- what's wrong with globalism? Trust me, you're going to get globalism of one kind or another. It's coming. Global cooperation to solve global problems (eg. climate change, technological revolution, etc.) is a good thing. Global communication (eg. the internet) is a good thing. Global commerce is a good thing. Global travel & global connections are good things. International law and human rights are good things. Much better than, let's say, global cooperation between neonazi groups, which is also happening. You're gonna get globalism of one kind or another. It's just the nature of globalism that counts. Personally, I'm a globalist. It's not an "on/off" switch, it's a dial -- so a certain amount of globalism (eg. international connections, international commerce, international communication, international cooperation) is a very good thing.
Btw, anti-"globalism" is another one of the alt-right's talking points. You guys should examine how much of your worldview mirrors that of people who want to genocide you. Don't forget -- the same people who are so anti-globalist are also anti-federalist, for many of the same reasons. That's the "states rights" crowd, and you know what they're all about...
What you dont seem to understand is that society fears black people fighting to separate moreso than those fighting to integrate. If every so called black person packed their bags to leave tomorrow, you might see why Trump wants to build that wall. MLK may (or may not) have been a good man, but that doesnt mean what he was pushing was positive for black people in the long run. And if you say society is "racist" and "white supremacist" then you have to ask yourself why this same society honors MLK...
Once again -- nah. Society doesn't fear black people wanting to separate. After all, we have the power to separate right now... And before this, we were separate through segregation. Nobody's fearing such things. I mean, look at most black US enclaves right now... Are they anything the majority group needs to fear?
And yes, what MLK was pushing was positive for black people. Having options is better than having no options. If we're not making the most of the options, that's on us. Other groups have the same (if not more) options, and they still manage to be relatively cohesive. If we're not cohesive, let's not blame the fact that we're not forcibly segregated like in the past. The fact that we're not cohesive in 2018 is entirely,
100% our own fault -- not MLK's fault, not integration's fault.
I'll give you props, however, for pointing out that the border wall can be used to keep people in as much as to keep people out. A lot of people miss that point. ...So if there's another civil war, don't get caught in the deep south. Your back might be literally up against the wall.