Say It Ain't So: MLK Didn't Write "I Have a Dream" - Jewish Influence on MLK

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
The only thing he walked back was his devotion to Elijah muhhamod.
He didn't change his views politically at all, his last recorded speech before his death was still advocating seperatism.
The notion that he suddenly became an integrationist is a lie perpetuated by probably CIA asset Alex Haley

gotta put context on the concept of 'seperatism' as it relates to that of the NOI.

The NOI wanted a SEPARATE NATION to exist on the landmass of the United States for Black People. The NOI did not want anything to do with America, they did not simply want 'black neighborhoods, schools, hospitals, etc that existed under the system of America.

This is why the NOI traveled around the world to different African and Middle Eastern countries because they were trying to establish diplomatic ties to have nations to do business with in order to have an actual economy because if there ever was a Nation established by the NOI on the Land Mass of the United States it's a no brainer there would be sanctions out the ass on it imposted by the United States and it's allies.


~crackin windshields~
Oct 30, 2014
The Far Right -- has many "Jews" -- plus let's not act like Jews are not White -- and can and still be Anti-Black. Here and in Israel.

NPR Choice page
American Jews are funding the far-right dream of Greater Israel. We have to end this - now | Opinion
Paul Gottfried, the Jewish Godfather of the 'Alt-Right'

So? The far right has some of every kind of people. "White supremacy/anti-black" has some of every kind of people (including black). ...So I'm not sure what your point is.


~crackin windshields~
Oct 30, 2014
How is "Pookie & Ray" a bigger problem for Black people?" This "Pookie and Ray Ray" line is so anti-black to me.

Getting Pookie & Ray Ray in line is not "anti-black". Getting Pookie and Ray Ray in line would serve blacks well, including those of you who want to separate into black enclaves.

Pookie & Ray Ray shoot down your kids in crossfire over stupid sh_t like blue vs red. Pookie & Ray Ray mean that if you park your car on the street it stands a good chance of being broken into... or if your woman is driving it with the baby in the carseat, the car could even get jacked. And Pookie and ray ray's backward values wreck schools just as surely as underfunding does.

Pookie & Ray Ray support alien businesses in your hood without a thought (for stupid sh_t like weave and pork rinds). You'd have to fight pookie and ray ray (and ratchet ass shaniqua) to get them to stop supporting businesses where black people don't make a dime and are treated beneath their dignity.

Pookie & ray ray are obviously a bigger problem than integration, just as I said. As a matter of fact, whereas the civil rights heroes fought and died so that we can have a choice of where to live, Pookie & Ray Ray make it such that we only have one choice -- integration -- if we want to have nice stuff in peace.

I will never buy into a philosophy that says we were better off with fewer options. We're not children. If we can't make the most of actually having options, that's on us.

"Segregationist" black people are actually flirting with aligning themselves with the politics of segregationist whites, while turning up their noses at politics aimed at providing healthcare for all and free higher education -- two things that will help you ESTABLISH YOUR OWN ENTERPRISES easier and with less expense. Politically, you should be trying to lay the groundwork so that you could establish your own enterprises more easily, rather than trying to corral black people back into segregation as if that's some solution, right alongside the alt-right.

You think looking side-eye at pookie and ray ray is "antiblack". I think it's far more antiblack to suggest that the only way we can make progress is being kept in open-air prisons, like segregation. It's also extremely antiblack to align oneself politically with white segregationists and people like that.
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Nov 21, 2013
This thread would be right at home on st0rmfr0nt.

People have been trying to slander and take the halo off MLK since the day he died. Dude came, helped a lot of people, predicted his own death and was nailed to the cross. No wonder everyone wants to convince the world he's the devil.

Yea and now the cac glorifies MLK's position. Wheres Malcolms national holiday? Huey P Newton/Black Panther Party's? Heck, think Farrakahn will get one when he's gone? Are these people glorified by this society? Of course not. They chose MLK because they supported MLK's message since it didnt threaten what they wanted to accomplish. And still to this day it doesnt threaten what they want to accomplish which is why they honor him in the media. It was only at the end, when he started switching it up, that he became a threat. And we all know the ending for him and his life :coffee:

Those in power are globalists and MLK's message supported their goal of globalism. Making yourself separate/tribal does not support this message. And that is the REAL reason as to why MLK gets glorified while Malcolm barely gets a mention.
Regarding jews in general --- black people expect perfection of everyone but themselves. Get back to me when we don't have a gender war, color lines, blue vs. red, etc. etc. etc.

I'm always amazed at how black people will make enemies of people who helped them, while citing talking points and false narratives of people who want to genocide them (eg. the jew-hating far right). ...But then again, you even find black men online giving credence to the idea of "IQ" that the nazis molest the psyche of your children with, soo...

I'm letting MLK rest in peace. He was a good man -- better than any of his modern-day detractors and slanderers, by far.

"James Baldwin said he tired of motherfukkers getting off the boat on Tuesday and he's calling them boss Wednesday."

Nah -- you should be tired of the people who let it happen. In fact, we give billions to these "fresh off the boat" people. Can't blame them for taking it, while not blaming black people for handing it to them.


What you dont seem to understand is that society fears black people fighting to separate moreso than those fighting to integrate. If every so called black person packed their bags to leave tomorrow, you might see why Trump wants to build that wall. MLK may (or may not) have been a good man, but that doesnt mean what he was pushing was positive for black people in the long run. And if you say society is "racist" and "white supremacist" then you have to ask yourself why this same society honors MLK...


~crackin windshields~
Oct 30, 2014
Yea and now the cac glorifies MLK's position. Wheres Malcolms national holiday? Huey P Newton/Black Panther Party's? Heck, think Farrakahn will get one when he's gone? Are these people glorified by this society? Of course not. They chose MLK because they supported MLK's message since it didnt threaten what they wanted to accomplish. And still to this day it doesnt threaten what they want to accomplish which is why they honor him in the media.

C'mon man. You're ready to disparage MLK's legacy, while asking ridiculous questions like why don't Farrakahn & the Black Panthers have a national holiday?

Those in power are globalists and MLK's message supported their goal of globalism. Making yourself separate/tribal does not support this message. And that is the REAL reason as to why MLK gets glorified while Malcolm barely gets a mention..

No. MLK is more glorified than Malcolm for obvious reasons -- so obvious, I won't even lay it out. And I'm perfectly happy with MLK being more glorified than Malcolm, even though I appreciate them both. I don't need white people to glorify Malcolm.

Not only that, but even MLK is not genuinely "glorified". Your average white american hates MLK. Not all, but on average. The people at st0rmfr0nt have devoted a whole section of their website to disparaging him, with the same sort of stuff as in this thread. MLK seems "honored" by society because of the gesture of the national holiday (which many americans rejected) and because of media coverage that goes through the motions. ...But everything in my experience and insight tells me that it's a stretch to say your average american honors MLK.

Furthermore, (assuming MLK would've been a globalist) -- what's wrong with globalism? Trust me, you're going to get globalism of one kind or another. It's coming. Global cooperation to solve global problems (eg. climate change, technological revolution, etc.) is a good thing. Global communication (eg. the internet) is a good thing. Global commerce is a good thing. Global travel & global connections are good things. International law and human rights are good things. Much better than, let's say, global cooperation between neonazi groups, which is also happening. You're gonna get globalism of one kind or another. It's just the nature of globalism that counts. Personally, I'm a globalist. It's not an "on/off" switch, it's a dial -- so a certain amount of globalism (eg. international connections, international commerce, international communication, international cooperation) is a very good thing.

Btw, anti-"globalism" is another one of the alt-right's talking points. You guys should examine how much of your worldview mirrors that of people who want to genocide you. Don't forget -- the same people who are so anti-globalist are also anti-federalist, for many of the same reasons. That's the "states rights" crowd, and you know what they're all about...

What you dont seem to understand is that society fears black people fighting to separate moreso than those fighting to integrate. If every so called black person packed their bags to leave tomorrow, you might see why Trump wants to build that wall. MLK may (or may not) have been a good man, but that doesnt mean what he was pushing was positive for black people in the long run. And if you say society is "racist" and "white supremacist" then you have to ask yourself why this same society honors MLK...

Once again -- nah. Society doesn't fear black people wanting to separate. After all, we have the power to separate right now... And before this, we were separate through segregation. Nobody's fearing such things. I mean, look at most black US enclaves right now... Are they anything the majority group needs to fear?

And yes, what MLK was pushing was positive for black people. Having options is better than having no options. If we're not making the most of the options, that's on us. Other groups have the same (if not more) options, and they still manage to be relatively cohesive. If we're not cohesive, let's not blame the fact that we're not forcibly segregated like in the past. The fact that we're not cohesive in 2018 is entirely, 100% our own fault -- not MLK's fault, not integration's fault.

I'll give you props, however, for pointing out that the border wall can be used to keep people in as much as to keep people out. A lot of people miss that point. ...So if there's another civil war, don't get caught in the deep south. Your back might be literally up against the wall. :smile:
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Jun 26, 2015
Did not know this -- and I can say it all makes sense now....

The speech was drafted with the assistance of Stanley Levison and Clarence Benjamin Jones] in Riverdale, New York City. Jones has said that "the logistical preparations for the march were so burdensome that the speech was not a priority for us" and that, "on the evening of Tuesday, Aug. 27, [12 hours before the march] Martin still didn't know what he was going to say".

I Have a Dream - Wikipedia

Stanley Levison - Wikipedia

Levison, Stanley David | The Martin Luther King, Jr., Research and Education Institute

And MLK Organization was funded by Jews.

Levison was instrumental in all the activities of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), the organization established by King and other Southern black preachers to further the cause of civil rights. He professionalized the fund raising of the organization and took on many of the publicity tasks, in addition to serving as King's literary agent. He was also a close adviser to King and a ghostwriter for him.
And in addition to the NAACP -- did you know that the Southern Poverty Law Center Southern Poverty Law Center Was started by and ran by mostly Jews?

They are over who is called a hate-group or not -- and have NOI down as one.

you do know this is eurocentric propaganda right ? Mr levision does not represent the totality of dr kings financial support. why are we always so gung ho to leave our financial contributions?


Nov 21, 2013
C'mon man. You're ready to disparage MLK's legacy, while asking ridiculous questions like why don't Farrakahn & the Black Panthers have a national holiday?

I'll await your answer :coffee:

No. MLK is more glorified than Malcolm for obvious reasons -- so obvious, I won't even lay it out. And I'm perfectly happy with MLK being more glorified than Malcolm, even though I appreciate them both. I don't need white people to glorify Malcolm.

Not only that, but even MLK is not genuinely "glorified". Your average white american hates MLK. Not all, but on average. The people at st0rmfr0nt have devoted a whole section of their website to disparaging him, with the same sort of stuff as in this thread. MLK seems "honored" by society because of the gesture of the national holiday (which many americans rejected) and because of media coverage that goes through the motions. ...But everything in my experience and insight tells me that it's a stretch to say your average american honors MLK.

The only answer is the one I gave. Malcolm was a separatist which gets in the way of the world's globalist agenda. MLK taught to love and hold hands with everyone even if they hate you. To turn your other cheek when mistreated. These things support the globalist agenda. This is why MLK is honored with a national holiday to which people get to miss work and school. This wouldnt happen if he was deemed a "threat"...

And please, stop with lazy "st0rmfr0nt" or "alt right" buzzwords. It just shows a lack of intelligence that you have to put everyone in a box once they say something you deem to originate from cacs when they dont:coffee:

Furthermore, (assuming MLK would've been a globalist) -- what's wrong with globalism? Trust me, you're going to get globalism of one kind or another. It's coming.
Oh I know its coming breh. A globalized world under one banner has been the agenda for those in power for centuries. These same powers that have subjugated black people for centuries. Just based on these two things, you should see why I dont think globalization will help black people. :coffee:

Btw, anti-"globalism" is another one of the alt-right's talking points. You guys should examine how much of your worldview mirrors that of people who want to genocide you. Don't forget -- the same people who are so anti-globalist are also anti-federalist, for many of the same reasons. That's the "states rights" crowd, and you know what they're all about...

If someone says they dont love me, then I dont love them. If they dont want to sit next to me, then I dont want to sit next to them. If they dont want to live beside me, then I dont want to live beside them. You see why its possible for a black man to "mirror" the talking points of "neonazis"?

The world wasnt meant to be unified under the banner of the very same people who once traded black people like livestock. We were cut off into tribes for a reason.. Bringing people under one banner ruled by these people is not going to benefit black people at all.. Theres nothing "alt right" about that position

Once again -- nah. Society doesn't fear black people wanting to separate. After all, we have the power to separate right now...

Not to get biblical on you, but when the Israelites en masse, decided to leave Egypt, what did Egypt do? Send them off gladly or try to keep them from leaving? Well they tried to keep them from leaving and thats because they were a big part of their economy and the same applies here in America. If black people stopped participating in society, it would destroy the economy. So yes they do fear black people separating.

And if black people unified as a group, they'd fear that too. Which is why Hoover was trying to stop the rise of a "black Messiah" during the civil rights movement...

And yes, what MLK was pushing was positive for black people. Having options is better than having no options. If we're not making the most of the options, that's on us. Other groups have the same (if not more) options, and they still manage to be relatively cohesive. If we're not cohesive, let's not blame the fact that we're not forcibly segregated like in the past. The fact that we're not cohesive in 2018 is entirely, 100% our own fault -- not MLK's fault, not integration's fault.

I'll give you props, however, for pointing out that the border wall can be used to keep people in as much as to keep people out. A lot of people miss that point. ...So if there's another civil war, don't get caught in the deep south. Your back might be literally up against the wall. :smile:

So MLK gave us the option to live amongst people who hate us (on average at least). You're happy with that option?

Other groups come to America with a strong sense of culture and community. Black people in America do not have these things which is why we're not cohesive. Thats not MLK's fault, but integration just worsened this problem for us...


Aug 6, 2015
you do know this is eurocentric propaganda right ? Mr levision does not represent the totality of dr kings financial support. why are we always so gung ho to leave our financial contributions?

How is it propaganda - when it's well documented?

I didn't state Mr. Levison nor Jews represented the "totality" of Mr. Kings or SCLC support -- but Mr. Levison helped garner Jewish donations/funding that represented far more than any other donations/funding.

We [Black Americans] did indeed donate - but we were not in the place financially to help successfully fund any organization alone.

If you would like to learn more please read:

By examining the fund-raising events in different cities, the ability of the SCLC to tap into church networks, union supporters, and Jewish American groups of sympathizers is confirmed. At the same time, it becomes clear that support is selective: not all black churches or all unions gave. The SCLC had to work hard to secure church donations and even within liberal unions such as the UAW, donations came primarily from local branches that had mainly African American members. Jewish donations tended to be from individuals rather than institutions.


Curiously, King and Jones also shared a deep mutual respect for Judaism. Influenced by Levison, they had developed into staunch supporters of Israel. “Jewish Americans, along with a few guys like Rockefeller, financed the civil-rights movement,” Jones explains. “And Martin’s sentiments regarding Jews were not opportunistic, as some have claimed. It was real. He consistently sought to maintain the historic coalition and alliance with leaders of the Jewish community.” According to Jones, King took great solace in the teachings of the Jewish philosopher Martin Buber, author of the 1923 classic I and Thou.

“As King interpreted Buber, there were ‘I-Thou’ people (Good Samaritans who had a relationship with God) and ‘I-It’ people (folks like the Black Power cabal that were self-centered),” Jones maintains. “He loathed anti-Semitism and was enraged by the rise of the Black Power movement, of guys like Stokely Carmichael, H. Rap Brown, and others who wanted to reduce the leadership role of whites in black organizations. Martin would question how anyone who had any familiarity with the biblical and political history of the Jewish people could have anything but the most profound admiration and respect for the Jewish community.”

Source: Martin Luther King Jr.’s Confidant Shares His Untold Tale


Jun 26, 2015
How is it propaganda - when it's well documented?

I didn't state Mr. Levison nor Jews represented the "totality" of Mr. Kings or SCLC support -- but Mr. Levison helped garner Jewish donations/funding that represented far more than any other donations/funding.

We [Black Americans] did indeed donate - but we were not in the place financially to help successfully fund any organization alone.

If you would like to learn more please read:

By examining the fund-raising events in different cities, the ability of the SCLC to tap into church networks, union supporters, and Jewish American groups of sympathizers is confirmed. At the same time, it becomes clear that support is selective: not all black churches or all unions gave. The SCLC had to work hard to secure church donations and even within liberal unions such as the UAW, donations came primarily from local branches that had mainly African American members. Jewish donations tended to be from individuals rather than institutions.


Curiously, King and Jones also shared a deep mutual respect for Judaism. Influenced by Levison, they had developed into staunch supporters of Israel. “Jewish Americans, along with a few guys like Rockefeller, financed the civil-rights movement,” Jones explains. “And Martin’s sentiments regarding Jews were not opportunistic, as some have claimed. It was real. He consistently sought to maintain the historic coalition and alliance with leaders of the Jewish community.” According to Jones, King took great solace in the teachings of the Jewish philosopher Martin Buber, author of the 1923 classic I and Thou.

“As King interpreted Buber, there were ‘I-Thou’ people (Good Samaritans who had a relationship with God) and ‘I-It’ people (folks like the Black Power cabal that were self-centered),” Jones maintains. “He loathed anti-Semitism and was enraged by the rise of the Black Power movement, of guys like Stokely Carmichael, H. Rap Brown, and others who wanted to reduce the leadership role of whites in black organizations. Martin would question how anyone who had any familiarity with the biblical and political history of the Jewish people could have anything but the most profound admiration and respect for the Jewish community.”

Source: Martin Luther King Jr.’s Confidant Shares His Untold Tale
i have to disagree with on this, dr king biggest supporters were black= belafonte, Sammy Davis jr, rev cl Franklin. plus marcus garvey and the nation of islam proves that black organization does not need white money to thrive


The Dude
Jan 29, 2016
Jews to me are very exploitative of black folks the way they manipulate black folks and financially suck them dry for example Jews have been the main force in Brooklyn's real estate boom and exploitative unethical practices that have led to mass displacement of black and brown ppl all through Brooklyn and the Bronx there have been stories where Jewish LLC Companies have used illegal and unethical tactics in stealing and defrauding black and brown ppl of there properties leading to mass displacements and economic instability in those communities another prime example would be rent stability which is a big thing in NYC many prominent Jewish real estate companies have been accused and prosecuted and convicted for tenant harassment illegal construction work orders and Using the courts to battle tenants over the rent stabilized units the bigger question here is Jewish business practices that constantly exploit black and brown communities


May 3, 2012
And a "staged" picture helped set off the civil rights movement

I don't feel as though he is a fraud in anyway though.

Since the enemy is willing to do whatever to 'win", I don't blame him and his team one bit.



Aug 6, 2015
Jews to me are very exploitative of black folks the way they manipulate black folks and financially suck them dry for example Jews have been the main force in Brooklyn's real estate boom and exploitative unethical practices that have led to mass displacement of black and brown ppl all through Brooklyn and the Bronx there have been stories where Jewish LLC Companies have used illegal and unethical tactics in stealing and defrauding black and brown ppl of there properties leading to mass displacements and economic instability in those communities another prime example would be rent stability which is a big thing in NYC many prominent Jewish real estate companies have been accused and prosecuted and convicted for tenant harassment illegal construction work orders and Using the courts to battle tenants over the rent stabilized units the bigger question here is Jewish business practices that constantly exploit black and brown communities

They are also citing a black civil rights case in the case for their anti-bds bill.

Making it illegal to boycott Israel in America - 26 states have adopted the bill. So, if you have a government job - you have to sign an oath/contract - that agrees that you wont to boycott Israel or their products.

These people are a mess.

A Texas Elementary School Speech Pathologist Refused to Sign a Pro-Israel Oath, Now Mandatory in Many States — so She Lost Her Job

S.720 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Israel Anti-Boycott Act

The New Israel Anti-Boycott Act Is Still Unconstitutional


get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
They are also citing a black civil rights case in the case for their anti-bds bill.

Making it illegal to boycott Israel in America - 26 states have adopted the bill. So, if you have a government job - you have to sign an oath/contract - that agrees that you wont to boycott Israel or their products.

These people are a mess.

A Texas Elementary School Speech Pathologist Refused to Sign a Pro-Israel Oath, Now Mandatory in Many States — so She Lost Her Job

S.720 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Israel Anti-Boycott Act

The New Israel Anti-Boycott Act Is Still Unconstitutional

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May 3, 2012
And a "staged" picture helped set off the civil rights movement

I don't feel as though he is a fraud in anyway though.

Since the enemy is willing to do whatever to 'win", I don't blame him and his team one bit.

I've been thinking about Gladwell (whose books I'm a fan of) and your position on "winning", and it doesn't sit well with me. Gladwell says " This photo is not what it seems, it's something different. it's the opposite, in fact, of what it seems. It's not reality, it's theater, and it's amazing theater. And when the world is turned against you, when your opponents are racists, and when your prospects couldn't seem more dim, a little bit of theater like this goes a long way."

What Gladwell is saying is that it's okay to lie if you're facing injustice, I can agree with that. As the victim of injustice, you seek justice by any means necessary. In this case, that meant lying, and I'm all for that. But who's going to just tell the truth? I contend the press and educators are tasked with telling the truth not lying to advance one side or the other.