Say It Ain't So: MLK Didn't Write "I Have a Dream" - Jewish Influence on MLK


Dec 16, 2015
Why is it important to know fakkit?
We should bow down to the kikes that financed the damn slave ships huh:stopitslime:

No idea why you are still acting black:mindblown:who you fooling :camby:

Be intentionally ignorant of the race relations for feel goodness...

The relationship between Black Americans and Jews is rooted in the mythology of the Jews being slaves in Egypt and Christianity and the budding Liberation Theology of Black Americans and the treatment of Jews in Europe and them comparing themselves to us and us comparing ourselves to them...

Jews funded a lot of things...such as the Harlem Renaissance, NAACP, abolition societies and Black education etc...

shyt...the fukking George Soros funded Black Lives Matter...

shyt Jews were even behind the idea of Black people having their own nation within the USA...the same shyt that NOI started talking about having the Southern Half of the USA...

That idea came down through the Communist Party of the USA...which was full of Jewish leadership and Communist Russia...

The Communist Party of the 1930s started saying Black people should have the Black Belt...and even ran a Black Vice Presidential candidate...James W. Ford.

Jews also was behind the minstrel shows and had prominent Jewish actors and producers...

Jews and Black Americans have a very weird and symbiotic relationship whether you like it or point in being ignorant of history for a fantasy...


Dec 16, 2015
What do they get out of funding us?

Weren't they part of the "White" group at that point in time?

Or to use us as a shield against the more radical groups of White supremacists?

I've seen folks here give them props, but no "race" gives us help for free.

Jews are weird...

The thing about Jews is...they were persecuted...even in the USA, they were lynched and beaten right along with us in the South...

But Jews are able to be White cause they have White skin, unlike us Black folks...cause our skin color is a signifier of being an outgroup...

Jews are prominent on the American Left and they used their wealth and influence for good in helping us...

The White people that helped us out were the elites of society...and Jews were able to become elite through their patronage of us...

American Jews in urban centers were basically political hipster hypebeasts...they fukked with us and Native Americans and Socialism and Communism and Black art.

And American Jews see themselves in Black Americans...and identity with us...we are like a Black mini-me to them...

The relationship between us and Jews changed once they started becoming more White and more wealthy...and their "help" started looking more exploitative in nature...this started like after the 60s...

For example, a lot of Jews were real estate agents and landowners but they couldn't get clients because they are they often had us Black folks as clients...especially West Indians in NYC

Well how would you feel after a while...that you making Jews all this money by paying him rent because he is the only one that will rent to you?

His shops in your city?

Jews like Asian minorities...might have been discriminated against and fought against racism but they always had more money than us because they are not Black.

Koreans and Chinese people can talk all they want about how poor they were and etc but they owned restaurants and buildings and shyt at the end of the day...

So Jews always were always our socio-economic and political "partner"....(just like Koreans and Arabs are our economic "partner" now...White people don't really wanna put no stores in the ghetto...but Koreans and Arabs will...)

Jews will fund our organizations
Jews will fund our art...
Jews were our real estate agents and landlords...
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Aug 6, 2015
I know MLK said this though

After I found out about the "I Have A Dream" speech -- I started researching Stanley Levison -- and I found this:



What Went Wrong?: The Creation & Collapse of the Black-Jewish Alliance

MLK -- like us -- was a victim of White Supremacy - by White Gentiles and White Jews:

A similar comment, however, was King’s reported rebuke to criticism of Zionists during a dinner conversation with students from Harvard University while he was in Boston on Oct. 27, 1967, during a stop on a fundraising tour for the Southern Christian Leadership Conference(created as an outgrowth of the Montgomery, Ala., bus boycott of 1955-56).

Seymour Martin Lipset, then a professor of government and sociology at Harvard, was in attendance and wrote about the dinner in the December 1969 edition of Encounter magazine.

Lipset reported that when one of the young men present criticized Zionists (the dinner being four months after the Six-Day War), King said, “Don’t talk like that! When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You’re talking anti-Semitism!”
And.... The SCLC - was and -- probably still is - Pro-Israel and Pro-Zionist:

Dover wrote that he “places great importance on forming connections with the black leadership” (suggesting that books about Israel and Judaism be sent to black colleges), but “in my opinion the time is not yet ripe for his visit to Israel.”

King represented “the militant wing of the civil rights movement,” Dover reported, adding that important organizations “are not in agreement with him and oppose his methods” and that King had alienated moderate African-Americans.

A formal government invitation to King, who in 1959 had visited East Jerusalem holy sites and cities under Jordanian control, could harm ties with Southern states that felt threatened by King’s prominence in the African-American community, Dover wrote, advising that “in any case, we should not be the first country that gives King so-called international status.”

Dover suggested “shelving the idea until the right moment” and added, “Our efforts to enter into discussions with different factors in the black community must be done … without being overly conspicuous.”

The idea was shelved until early 1967, when plans were announced for King and perhaps 5,000 others to make a pilgrimage to Israel as an SCLC fundraiser.


“Probably more than any other ethnic group, the Jewish community has been sympathetic and has stood as an ally to the Negro in his struggle for justice,” King said.

“On the other hand, the Negro confronts the Jew in the ghetto as his landlord in many instances. He confronts the Jew as the owner of the store around the corner where he pays more for what he gets. In Atlanta, for instance, I live in the heart of the ghetto, and it is an actual fact that my wife in doing her shopping has to pay more for food than whites have to pay out in Buckhead and Lenox. We’ve tested it. We have to pay 5 cents and sometimes 10 cents a pound more for almost anything that we get than they have to pay out in Buckhead and Lenox Square, where the rich people of Atlanta live.

“The fact is that the Jewish storekeeper or landlord is not operating on the basis of Jewish ethics; he is operating simply as a marginal businessman. Consequently, the conflicts come into being.”

King acknowledged divisions over Israel within the civil rights movement.

“The response of some of the so-called young militants again does not represent the position of the vast majority of Negroes. There are some who are color-consumed, and they see a kind of mystique in being colored, and anything noncolored is condemned. We do not follow that course in the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, and certainly most of the organizations in the civil rights movement do not follow that course.

I think it is necessary to say that what is basic and what is needed in the Middle East is peace. Peace for Israel is one thing. Peace for the Arab side of that world is another thing. Peace for Israel means security, and we must stand with all of our might to protect its right to exist, its territorial integrity. I see Israel, and never mind saying it, as one of the great outposts of democracy in the world and a marvelous example of what can be done, how desert land almost can be transformed into an oasis of brotherhood and democracy. Peace for Israel means security, and that security must be a reality.

“On the other hand, we must see what peace for the Arabs means in a real sense of security on another level. Peace for the Arabs means the kind of economic security that they so desperately need. These nations, as you know, are part of that Third World of hunger, of disease, of illiteracy. I think that as long as these conditions exist, there will be tensions, there will be the endless quest to find scapegoats. So there is a need for a Marshall Plan for the Middle East, where we lift those who are at the bottom of the economic ladder and bring them into the mainstream of economic security,” King said.

Nine days later, King was assassinated.

Source: Martin Luther King’s Uncertain Jewish Legacy

The Jewish Community and his "close friend" Mr. Levison -- was not happy about his Vietnam speech --nor his reference to the Holocaust. The Jewish community was not happy about him speaking out about their treatment of our people.

That leads me to believe that King had aligned himself - with people like Mr. Levison -- non-Blacks - who could turn their loyalties at anytime -- more like --- had always had false loyalties to him - that may have led to his death.

Here's the FBI files on MLK and Levison - I am going to go through them one day soon.
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Aug 6, 2015
Jews are weird...

The thing about Jews is...they were persecuted...even in the USA, they were lynched and beaten right along with us in the South...

But Jews are able to be White cause they have White skin, unlike us Black folks...cause our skin color is a signifier of being an outgroup...

Jews are prominent on the American Left and they used their wealth and influence for good in helping us...

The White people that helped us out were the elites of society...and Jews were able to become elite through their patronage of us...

American Jews in urban centers were basically political hipster hypebeasts...they fukked with us and Native Americans and Socialism and Communism and Black art.

And American Jews see themselves in Black Americans...and identity with us...we are like a Black mini-me to them...

The relationship between us and Jews changed once they started becoming more White and more wealthy...and their "help" started looking more exploitative in nature...this started like after the 60s...

For example, a lot of Jews were real estate agents and landowners but they couldn't get clients because they are they often had us Black folks as clients...especially West Indians in NYC

Well how would you feel after a while...that you making Jews all this money by paying him rent because he is the only one that will rent to you?

His shops in your city?

Jews like Asian minorities...might have been discriminated against and fought against racism but they always had more money than us because they are not Black.

Koreans and Chinese people can talk all they want about how poor they were and etc but they owned restaurants and buildings and shyt at the end of the day...

So Jews always were always our socio-economic and political "partner"....(just like Koreans and Arabs are our economic "partner" now...White people don't really wanna put no stores in the ghetto...but Koreans and Arabs will...)

Jews will fund our organizations
Jews will fund our art...
Jews were our real estate agents and landlords...

Jews have never been our allies. Never.

On Lynchings - Yes - but it in no way is comparable to us -- nor was it for the same reasons -- being the color of their skin -- and simply being BLACK. It is only four known documented lynchings of Jews in the States. S.A. Bierfield, Leo Frank, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner.

I don't think they "see themselves" in us -- they see an easy target to use and expolit at will.

Jews are White -- how can someone be racist against them. Prejudiced - yes.

And no - they have been the ones waiting in the winds to take ownership in our businesses, homes and anything valuable. They just leave a Black face.

For instance, did you know the Grio is owned by a jewish owned company.

About 2-3 years ago - most of the Black outlets lost a lot of advertising due to Barack Obama no longer being in office -- and the creation and expansion of white sites who cover Black news/entertainment. During this time, many black websites were purchased by non-Black companies.

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
What do they get out of funding us?

Weren't they part of the "White" group at that point in time?

Or to use us as a shield against the more radical groups of White supremacists?

I've seen folks here give them props, but no "race" gives us help for free.

Civil Rights Movement wasn't the Black people get rights movement, it was about criminalizing discrimination against any color,creed,origin or religion.

White male anglo saxon protestants ran the institutions and power structure....and blocked access to resources to those who didn't fall under that group.....including catholics,jews, and women .

Civil rights acts made it illegal to block access to those,education,housing,loans,etc

Jews funded Blacks to fight a war that they would benefit from also.

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
The second incarnation of the KKK...roughly in 1919 was different than the first.
First was formed around southern resentment of losing the civil war...and northerners instituting Reconstruction.
Black people here being free, advancing and becoming rivals in the workforce (aka not knowing their place) was too much for loser white people to accept.

After the civil war , there were waves of poor white immigrants coming into the the extent that it started changing the fabric and social order.Irish and Italian catholics and eastern european jews. Whites who were several generation Americans began to resent these newcomers and their strange ways,customs and religions. Saw them as a threat to White Protestant America.They weren't white..they were "others"Shut them out of the power structure as much as they could...Forced them to create their own institutions by not allowing them access.
Leo Frank case brought the hatred and resentment to the surface. Jewish businessman accused of violating and murdering white girl. After a long legal battle, and tricks.......he's convicted...but his sentence is commuted..and he's to set free. Lynch mob has different ideas and kills him.
Second KKk forms....this time being anti-Black, antiCathloic and anti Jews.

Any jewish involvement in civil rights movement is based on this history and climate.


Dec 16, 2015
Jews have never been our allies. Never.

On Lynchings - Yes - but it in no way is comparable to us -- nor was it for the same reasons -- being the color of their skin -- and simply being BLACK. It is only four known documented lynchings of Jews in the States. S.A. Bierfield, Leo Frank, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner.

I don't think they "see themselves" in us -- they see an easy target to use and expolit at will.

Jews are White -- how can someone be racist against them. Prejudiced - yes.

And no - they have been the ones waiting in the winds to take ownership in our businesses, homes and anything valuable. They just leave a Black face.

For instance, did you know the Grio is owned by a jewish owned company.

About 2-3 years ago - most of the Black outlets lost a lot of advertising due to Barack Obama no longer being in office -- and the creation and expansion of white sites who cover Black news/entertainment. During this time, many black websites were purchased by non-Black companies.

I don't consider American Jews allies...the idea of allies is silly...

They have their own agenda and we are just a part of it in various ways and some parts we benefit and some parts we take an L...

It's like with any relationship. But I do believe the Jews saw themselves in us from 1930s to 1960s. They were there every step of the way. Nobody is that evil enough or savvy enough or smart of enough to stick with somebody through two of the most dangerous and terrible periods of US History (Great Depression-Civil Rights Movement) and don't actually even benefit the most from it.

And those lynchings of Jews and the deaths of those Jewish boys in the Civil Rights movement was serious for them...although overwhelming and majority of lynchings are of Black people.

The way I see it is like this...

I am a revolutionary Communist at the end of day. I can get along with liberals and social democrats and all that shyt. But when it comes to the end of the road and there's an opportunity to get rid of capitalism and capitalists. I'ma turn my back on those liberals and social democrats and get rid of them along with the capitalists, reactionaries and conservatives. I am for communists and I am for communism - period.

Jews are the same way...and I am sure most people who are part of a group are the same way whether race, gender, class, or nationality. They'll stick with another group as long it furthers their cause and when it comes to the end of the road...they gonna side with their group. Jews became accepted and we didn't and they had a socioeconomic and political infrastructure they could capitalize on. I don't expect anybody to just stick by our side out of the goodness of their heart. That's being naive and I don't think we were naive.

James Baldwin said he tired of motherfukkers getting off the boat on Tuesday and he's calling them boss Wednesday. James Baldwin also talked about the resentment between Blacks and Jews. WEB Dubois talked about the exploitative nature of Jewish capitalists.

Everybody knew what it was and we took what we can get from them.

Black American DOS are just at the bottom of the American social hierarchy. Everybody lives on top of us. That's just the way this shyt works even within our own race.

Just gotta play the game until the end of the road and you stab the motherfukker in the back, dump the body and keep on going.


Student of life
Feb 8, 2016
Civil Rights Movement wasn't the Black people get rights movement, it was about criminalizing discrimination against any color,creed,origin or religion.

White male anglo saxon protestants ran the institutions and power structure....and blocked access to resources to those who didn't fall under that group.....including catholics,jews, and women .

Civil rights acts made it illegal to block access to those,education,housing,loans,etc

Jews funded Blacks to fight a war that they would benefit from also.

I find it interesting that we are the "face" of the Civil Rights movement, yet we got the least out of it.

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
I find it interesting that we are the "face" of the Civil Rights movement, yet we got the least out of it.

I have a 2 part response to that
Black people were the ones on the FRONT LINES of the Civil Rights Movement...the mass of Black people that is. The Blacks that benefitted ultimately from the rights/protections gained were the educated class. HBCU grads were now able to expand their professions/career options, send their children to the most selective white schools and they had more access to captial and opportunities.
Funny to me because that class largely sat out of the movement. Educated class of non wasp whites who were previously blocked from access now had it. White women who were blocked from access, no had it.

Second part is that, however you wanna slice it, Black people of generations after Civil Rights movement DROPPED THE BALL. People disrespect the sacriffices made by previous generations of Black people by not taking FULL advantage of the rights/freedoms that they fought for.


Aug 6, 2015
They really used MLK -- and still do till this day.

Rev. Martin Luther King Lauds Role of Jews in Fight for Negro Rights
August 12, 1964

ATLANTA (Aug. 11)

The Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, and one of the most prominent Negro leaders in the civil rights field, expressed his “dismay and disappointment” over the recent wrecking and looting by Negroes of Jewish stores in New York and Rochester.

In a statement to The Southern Israelite here, he pledged “solemnly” to do his utmost “to uphold the fair name of the Jews.” Commenting on Jewish Telegraphic Agency reports published in the English-Jewish newspaper, about the havoc wrought during Negro rioting in neighborhoods where the shopkeepers were largely Jewish, the Rev. King stated:

“While the outbursts in New York City and Rochester cannot be considered expressions of anti-Semitism, I am particularly pained to learn that a large percentage of the looted stores were owned by our Jewish friends since, as a group, the Jewish citizens of the United States have always stood for freedom, justice, and an end to bigotry. Our Jewish friends have demonstrated their commitment to the principle of tolerance and brotherhood in tangible ways, often at great personal sacrifices.

“Can we ever express our appreciation to the rabbis who chose to give moral witness with us in St. Augustine during our recent protest against segregation in that unhappy city? And who will ever forget the sacrifice of two Jewish lives, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner, in Mississippi this past June? It would be impossible to record the contribution that the Jewish people have made toward the Negro’s struggle for freedom–it has been so great.

“I solemnly pledge to do my utmost to uphold the fair name of the Jews. Not only because we need their friendship, and surely we do, but mainly because bigotry in any form is an affront to us all.”

Source: Rev. Martin Luther King Lauds Role of Jews in Fight for Negro Rights - Jewish Telegraphic Agency