Concerning VIolence
The Black Church
So that makes it a religious issue, not a black issue.
Majortiy of black women are Christians and choose to be Christians.
The Black Church
The purpose of Black feminism, and Womanism, is literally for the equality of Black women with Black men.
It is to highlight and work to remedy some major disparities and issues within the Black community, as well as the world as a whole in regard to Black women.
Sexual violence and agency are two very big topics that are incredibly all-encompassing. From FGM, which affects a lot of women in the African diaspora, to the epidemic of sexual abuse of Black girls and women that goes incredibly underreported, to the feminization of poverty largely due to Black women being the sole caregivers, to the ignoring of Black women's role in many of the reform and revolutionary minded topics (like the school-to-prison pipeline, mass-incarceration, and police brutality).
Its pretty obvious what its for, most of the opposition to Black feminism comes from male chauvinists, especially Black male chauvinists, who try to find the wildest examples possible to make Black women fighting for their complete rights and standing seem ridiculous. A common tactic of White supremacists when it comes to framing Black issues as a whole.
I agree bc these are agents just disguising themselves as 'feminists' with a totally different agenda.We need a new word for "Black women who have bought into the system of White supremacy."
A lot of women who have bought in do not consider themselves feminist even if they are doing just as much harm.
Imagine being an adult Black man and thinking another adult Black man cannot articulate a point.what undergrad class syballus did you steal this from, breh?
Don't get me wrongThe purpose of Black feminism, and Womanism, is literally for the equality of Black women with Black men.
It is to highlight and work to remedy some major disparities and issues within the Black community, as well as the world as a whole in regard to Black women.
Sexual violence and agency are two very big topics that are incredibly all-encompassing. From FGM, which affects a lot of women in the African diaspora, to the epidemic of sexual abuse of Black girls and women that goes incredibly underreported, to the feminization of poverty largely due to Black women being the sole caregivers, to the ignoring of Black women's role in many of the reform and revolutionary minded topics (like the school-to-prison pipeline, mass-incarceration, and police brutality).
Its pretty obvious what its for, most of the opposition to Black feminism comes from male chauvinists, especially Black male chauvinists, who try to find the wildest examples possible to make Black women fighting for their complete rights and standing seem ridiculous. A common tactic of White supremacists when it comes to framing Black issues as a whole.
Imagine being an adult Black man and thinking another adult Black man cannot articulate a point.
I'm disheartened by the sheer stupidity on this site at times.
Ignore list for you as well
Don't get me wrong
I'm not saying that women should be silent and completely subservient as if we should abide by archaic social norms. I stated this in the op.
My point is a lot of so called 'feminists' and their arguments just don't add up.
For instance the notion that black men are the white people of black people
First of all that shyt don't even sound right
Secondly how can black men be so privileged when it's just not the case. Yes there are privileges that men do have but to say we have all this privilege inside and outside of the black community is just disingenuous.
Thirdly many "feminists" claim that they want strong black communities yet one of their main objectives is to destroy patriarchy..............then in the same breadth claim that black men don protect them? how sway?
I mean if there was a strong law abiding patriarchy, don't you think most of the 'bad men' that black women talk shyt about would be put in their place, Or even led to more productive activities, assuming that a strong patriarchy would lead to more economic opportunities? Don't you think The police would respect up more and think twice about killing us for no reason?
That's why I say their arguments make no sense, but like I just said they're really a rouge collection of people out for their own agenda whether personal or sanctioned by the 'elites'
Lol well I know I if I were to post that in lsa I'd be called a woman beater black woman basher etc etc.@Thomas is going to call you a male chauvinist.
That notion that Black men are the "white people of black people" is an example of exactly what I'm talking about. Its a point that very few women agree with, its not a popular "Black feminist opinion" it was a poorly worded statement that raving misogynists latched onto as proof that Black women hate Black men.Don't get me wrong
I'm not saying that women should be silent and completely subservient as if we should abide by archaic social norms. I stated this in the op. Neither am I downplaying their accomplishments in the past.
My point is a lot of so called 'feminists' and their arguments just don't add up.
For instance the notion that black men are the white people of black people
First of all that shyt don't even sound right
Secondly how can black men be so privileged when it's just not the case. Yes there are privileges that men do have but to say we have all this privilege inside and outside of the black community is just disingenuous.
Thirdly many "feminists" claim that they want strong black communities yet one of their main objectives is to destroy patriarchy..............then in the same breadth claim that black men don protect them? how sway?
I mean if there was a strong law abiding patriarchy, don't you think most of the 'bad men' that black women talk shyt about would be put in their place, Or even led to more productive activities, assuming that a strong patriarchy would lead to more economic opportunities? Don't you think The police would respect up more and think twice about killing us for no reason?
That's why I say their arguments make no sense, but like I just said they're really a rouge collection of people out for their own agenda whether personal or sanctioned by the 'elites'