I'd haggle with the voting options. Yes I believe light skinned people have certain a privilege...but I don't think the alternative is that "no, all black people are treated the same." I don't think it matters at all to racist or biased white people whether you're dark or light. The treatment of Obama for 8-10 years made it pretty damn clear that a loooot of white people didn't care that he was light skinned. All they saw was a black man, and they hated it.
IMO the light/dark dynamic has more of an impact on black people than whites. Meaning that sure, a light skinned black woman is going to automatically receive more attention from black men, regardless of whether she's attractive or not. Likewise a light skinned black man is going to received more attention from black women, regardless of attractiveness/handsome-ness. And yes there are certain resentments that darker black people take out on light skinned black people. And there are certain resentments that light skinned people take out on dark skinned people. This is all of course rooted in slavery and generations of mental conditioning about whiteness and the proximity to whiteness.
In terms of white people though...I'm not sure they give a shyt. In terms of attraction, especially when it comes to men...most of the black male sex icons of our lifetime have been dark skinned. Michael Jordan, Denzel Washington, Idris Elba, etc. Tall, dark and handsome. In terms of women, yes...western beauty standards have the biggest influence there, thus favoring lightskinned black women. Halle Berry, Beyonce, Rihanna, etc.