Saudimania: WWE Greatest Royal Rumble 4-27-18 12PM EST [Live/Spoilers] (Don't Post No Hoes)


pico pal q lee
Apr 30, 2012
- The Tryouts vs Davari boys was the most weirdest shyt I've ever seen and Im curious to ask you guys what you and twitter thought. Inside the arena the fans fukking loved it cheering the Saudis on and giving all the heat to the Iranians and chanting KSA KSA KSA. Now I get they are sort of an enemy but I watched and kept thinking the rest of the world is gonna think this is weirdly malicious for a show meant to be show as progressive propaganda instead of just regular propaganda

I missed the Rumble and basically had the show as backround noise so I was peaking to see what sounded interesting from time to time. The Iranian segment was the most fun of the show to me, just simple and traditional wrestling fukkery that worked. I was kinda shocked they went for it considering how strong the Saudi/Iran beef is but it seemed everyone took it for what it was, a fukkery wrestling segment. There was a shot of Sheik booing even though he was paying more attention to his phone :heh:


Be Well.
Apr 30, 2012
As a character Roman is dead

Joe getting squash but Roman is Lex Luger status honestly they should of moved him to smackdown and maybe not being the focus every Monday night would of been a good thing
Agreed. The story has gone from 'he can't beat Brock' to 'he can maybe beat Brock, but he's an idiot who got in his own way'.

A well-booked heel turn would put him back on track. Doesn't matter if the crowd keeps booing him or decides he's cool because he's a heel, his character needs a drastic change at this point.

Fans don't buy into him anyway, but booking for him as a solo guy has been counterproductive from day one. It's almost like they are purposely trying to sabotage him.


Can't trust every face you gotta watch em
May 1, 2012
Agreed. The story has gone from 'he can't beat Brock' to 'he can maybe beat Brock, but he's an idiot who got in his own way'.

A well-booked heel turn would put him back on track. Doesn't matter if the crowd keeps booing him or decides he's cool because he's a heel, his character needs a drastic change at this point.

Fans don't buy into him anyway, but booking for him as a solo guy has been counterproductive from day one. It's almost like they are purposely trying to sabotage him.
His booking from WM 31 to now has been just so weird and awful in handsight

Ok so he beats Joe of course that what where does he go from here

Cartier Murphy

Apathy’s a Tragedy & Boredom is a Crime
May 10, 2015
I was gonna watch the replay from where I left off at 8 but that shyt is gonna end late and from reading the results, it doesn’t sound like I missed much :patrice:

Amor fati

Dec 2, 2016
Great Britain
Just got back from the show and in my hotel room

Traffic getting out was long and we stopped for McDonalds

Apologies I didnt live post more but the wi-fi inside the joint no matter what connection I used was terrible. I think maybe cause too many people were online or the reception of the area idk but I couldn't get onto the coli at all and could barely use my whatsapp so sorry about that. Took some video f entrances and things which I will try and upload later

Couple of observations:

-During the countdown it was still the early evening prayer and you could see crew and security on the floor doing prayer

- Wit the exception of the very upper dec the place was filled to the brim, but disorganised. As I mentioned when you brought tickets they didnt assign which seats or section. two days before the event you get an update about which section but when I got to the event, they said just sit wherever inside of your section, so I was like fukk it I will go as close as possible. Unfortunately I was in the section where one of the outdoor poles kinda obstructed my view.
And it was nightmare trying to go back to your seat cause anyone could take it. Even worse, mad people were sitting in the stairs between seats so you had to walk over people Iverson style to even get to your seat and I had to sit in different places a couple of times.

-Floor seats looked spacious and luxurious and they had a fukking catering section on the floor for the vip seats, They probably could have filled the floor with more seats but kept it what look like only 300 seats at best? Weird
-They went ham for they Saudi National anthem but when the US anthem started many booed in my section and everyone sat down:mjlol:

-Triple H was over as fukk in there and so was Cena but fans definitely do the Cena sucks chant which at this point doesnt even sound like heat. Kinda of a enjoyable house show match in person?

-Seeing the pyro and a Mania like show was cool

-Everything was "this is awesome"

-They showed the exact commercials I assumed you guys saw on the network during the breaks including that Best of Both Worlds vid which had the - - women in their "skimpy" tops, this got the huge pops:lolbron: especially for Sasha and Carmella. In fact anytime any women were shown on the tv screen (Preview of Backlash or WWE upcoming shows like Rondas) they all got huge pops, so people wanna see them there. Alexa, Ronda,Charlotte, Sasha and Carmella all got pops

-modest reaction for cruiserweights at best

-Bray and Matt got a nice reaction and of course the delete shyt is over

-TOTAL heat for Jinder, all boos no cheers but in a very much pro wrestling we all know the story way rather than any malice

- Jeff was loved and had a huge section of Hardy fans on one side, couple of blown spots in the match I thought looking live

- They gave out Free hats and people were doing waves and random saudi chants so as I've heard some people allude to pipe ins I think thats what you guys may have heard across the TV as those things got random cheers in the back

- Samoa Joe was the most over guy in the ladder match,they fukks with him in Saudi

- The Tryouts vs Davari boys was the most weirdest shyt I've ever seen and Im curious to ask you guys what you and twitter thought. Inside the arena the fans fukking loved it cheering the Saudis on and giving all the heat to the Iranians and chanting KSA KSA KSA. Now I get they are sort of an enemy but I watched and kept thinking the rest of the world is gonna think this is weirdly malicious for a show meant to be show as progressive propaganda instead of just regular propaganda

-When they had the break for prayer a lot of people went up to the concoruse everyone laid out a prayer section and prayed :ohhh:
But I think the break was too short, I think the prayer call was still going on when the USOs and Bludgeon Brothers match went on and many missed it

- Okay Nakamura vs Styles....soooo people didnt shyt on this match but they damn sure didnt pay attention to it until the end and the standard AJ Styles chant. Nak got a decent reception upon entrance and heel boos later. But during the match brehs I can tell you NOBODY looked like they paid attention until the end. I dont know if you heard pipe ins but it was basically people starting the mexican wave, chanting yes and my god even a fukkng CM Punk chant broke out. I spoke to my local homie about are fans disliking it and he didnt think this was shytting on the match but rather keep themselves energized during the match and encourage the athletes. I guess doing the wave is give energy back?:dwillhuh:

-Total BS finish and they saving the feud but this felt worse than their Wrestlemania match for the mot part with too much selling by both guys and not enough spots. The end stuff with the ropes and stuff was cool I guess. These guys can have a good match, we just aint seen it in WWE yet, or at least live that was the feeling

- Roman go the exact same reaction when he came out as in the states, with some knee jerk booing then some light cheers. During the match however there was not any booing of him...but neither was there for Lesnar who was still over and beloved. And boy do they LOVE Heyman

-Surprised at the ending, guess Brock is holding to break Punk's records

-Undertaker was easily the most popular guy.....No Rusev love:mjcry: Some Rusev day chants but otherwise people think of him as Alexander Rusev

-DB was over as fukk with the crowd. Biggest pops in the Rumble go to: Daniel Bryan, Hornswoggle, Kurt Angle, Randy Orton (Hugely popular), Rey Mysterio, Braun Strowman, Jericho and Shane and Khali

_ I dont think people noticed we got Daniel vs Kurt in the crowd

- Vince came out and presented the cup with the prince or ministry head

I will write more but Im mad sleepy so I'll post in the morning
Strange I was expecting to hear AJ get more pops than Randy.