Looking back at old logs I'm noticing some things
- My logging consistency SUCKS
I have everything written down now since June or so... I think once a month (thats my deload cycle) I will just report all my major lifts so I can look back here if I lose my book. High key I want to get a tablet to log my shyt but thats another story.
- Bench doesn't look like it's up, but it really is. Last May a "good power bench" workout was 3x5x225... now I am throwing up 4x6x230, and that's with much, much, much better form. Elbows feel a little weird every now and then, but for the most part are OK and shoulders are 100%.
- Lower body #s are down, but form is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. I cringe looking at old form checks. Squat depth was
heavy deads had zero hip drive. Squats are what drive my lower body progression, so keeping that reasonable and tying deads to that are key.
- Arms are way stronger. Again my log sucks... but last May I was doing overhead extensions with like 60x10. I can hit 90-100x10 now no problem. I'm thinking it was the same thing with curls.
Routine is pretty much dialed in, diet is definitely dialed in. Just minor adjustments here and there. I want to try and up accessory volume and drop the weight a little bit. Go for 5x10 instead of 3x12 and probably chop 5-10lbs off everything. Really go 110% on form. I'm happy with what I'm doing on compounds.
Only wrench in the plan now is wifey wants to ride bikes like 2-3x/wk. Actually, I have been riding with her on weekends and then going to lift like immediately after with no problems so I guess it's not that big of a deal. I am trying to get her to come to my gym with me on leg days as well. She wants me to come to the apt gym with her but that shyt doesn't fit in my plan. Gonna try that this week. I'm in the gym 6x/wk now, makes no sense to go extra just to bullshyt.