Upper body workout went well today. The pump is crazy
Just gonna type out and think through the cutting plan this year. Right now gaining phase momentum is strong. Barring catastrophe I'm like 3 months away from squatting 315 on volume lower day which is a big milestone for me. High key that might be the top end of my volume squats. Legs are juicy as is and were pretty good after the cut last year with ~40lb less weight on the bar.
But yall know I love my math. I have 3 more weeks in this cycle, and then my cycles are 5 weeks long (4 weeks + deload). Summer is ~5 cycles away and I'll probably need 3 cycles or 15 weeks of cutting to get right. Just thinking on paper here. If I finish this cycle and do another one that will start my cut around March and have me diced by June. But I feel like I'll be a little soft by August which is still very warm. Last year I started around mid March but missed 2 weeks due to a trip, and finished around late July. There were a lot of learnings on that cut as well so it wasn't as efficient as I'd like. This go round I have a protocol already in my head, so once I pick a date we are off to the races from the word go.
So long story short I'm gonna start the cut towards the end of April after 2 more complete gaining blocks.... 15 weeks of cutting would put me right at mid July which is about perfect. Aesthetically I should be where I want to be by mid June; those extra weeks are just for the challenge and further shreds. Last year the target was to settle at 170 but I fell a little short. Still a new low and my best physique. This year I'm just going to apply the protocol and see what happens. No targets, just take things as they come and see how far I can go. Especially since I know I've made significant gains, especially in my abs and legs.
Of course this is all contingent on me finding the time to do cardio. With the baby I've lost 3 hours out of my day for our sleep program. By the end of April she will be 5 months old
so hopefully we can claw back an hour or so which is all I need. I've become very efficient.