LOL @ the hip hop consensus being a bunch of random misfits. Again, Your the 1st to say otherwise 12 years after the fact...go figure.
NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES YOU REPEAT THE SAME SENTIMENT OVER & OVER IN EACH REPLY, A "consensus" of people that may agree on something STILL DOESN'T make their or your personal OPINION FACTUAL!
[kuh n-sen-suh s]
noun, plural con·sen·sus·es.
1. majority of opinion :
The consensus of the group was that they should meet twice a month.
the definition of consensus
You said 1) Envy set a trap when it didnt happen like that and 2)
You don't what mindset or intent DJ Envy had before or during his Beef with Star because you weren't actually involved in the situation so
U brought up Envy being involved in law enforecement when Envy used his wife to press charges.

You're an idiot if you think that DJ Envy well established connections with law enforcement wasn't a major reason as to why Star was arrested & charged with a crime.
And it doesn't matter if Envy used his wife to press charges against Star or if he did it himself as it's STILL one in the same since they're both legally married.
So all you're doing is just validating the fact I've presented from the start.
Envy utilized his law enforcement acquaintances & his wife as a pawn to exploit the system & get Star hemmed up.
"Troi Torain, the disc jockey known by the name D.J. Star, was charged with endangering the welfare of a child, the Manhattan district attorney's office said.
Law enforcement officials had launched an investigation into his remarks on Thursday after reviewing a transcript of his recent rants about D.J. Envy and his family.
"The police called Mr. Torain to police headquarters in Lower Manhattan this afternoon and ordered him to surrender his target pistol license and his weapon, a .9-millimeter handgun, they said. When he arrived, he was arrested by detectives from the police department's Hate Crimes Unit, they said."
"Mr. Torain's lawyer, Benjamin Brafman, said today that what his client said about his rival and his family was "inappropriate, it was offensive." But, he went on, "it was not criminal."
"On Wednesday night Mr. Torain was dismissed by WWPR-FM, known as Power 105, one of the top-rated stations in the city. The station, owned by Clear Channel Communications of San Antonio, also apologized to anyone offended by the comments."
"The next day, City Councilman Peter F. Vallone Jr., of Queens, a former prosecutor and the head of he Public Safety Committee, sent a letter with a transcript of D.J. Star's remarks directly to Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly. Another City Council member also sent a letter alleging that what the disc jockey said amounted to a hate crime, the police said.
At a news conference earlier that day, City Council members, who said they had been contacted by the wife of the rival, D.J. Envy, played an excerpt from a May 3 broadcast in which Mr. Torain mentioned D.J. Envy's wife and two children and threatened to track down and sexually abuse his daughter, who is 4. .
"I will come for your kids," Mr. Torain, 42, said in the excerpt, adding that he would pay $500 to anyone who told him where the girl attended school.
"On Thursday, council members held a second news conference and insisted that they would not be satisfied unless Mr. Torain was prosecuted. The lawmakers have also called for a
Federal Communications Commission investigation."
Hip-Hop Radio D.J. Arrested for On-Air Threats
DJ Envy - A native of Queens, New York
Too bad Star wasn't "cunning" enough to understand that you don't make reckless threats over the airways on one of the most popular radio shows in NY towards your rivals family when you know the adversary you have smoke with is deeply associated with law enforcement.

Thats u telling the story wrong and it exposed you.
Looks as if you're the one who has been "exposed"
At this point I dont even take u serious anymore
Considering your usual spelling errors & disjointed, spastic writing, this statement coming from you is absolutely laughable.
I fully understand why u are deep in the red.
Then you should also be able to "understand" that your positive green rep on The Coli isn't a true indicator of your meager IQ in the real world.
I asked u to name 1 person more cunning then Star Tariq has taken out and instead of doing so u start trolling. This is your 5th response juelzing. Me saying I'm familiar with Tariq since 2000 should tell u i dont have to scroll thru shyt. I already know Tariqs bio.
Lets see: He shytted on that alleged tranny from LSA....He shytted on Ace Monkey from BGOL......He once got trolled and thought Cory Holcolm was taking shots at him but he retracted his roast session once he realized he got trolled. He did put Umar in a corner...But Umar isnt as cunning as Star.... He tried to do that wack Oinky Jones puppet but Alex Jones is to big and Tariq didnt even cross his radar..... Tucker gave him that work twice. Dude....I know Tariqs battles. 5 responses of u bullshytting = He has never taken out anyone more cunning then Star like u claimed
The topic is Sa Netter and Poppy. I came in here and elaborated on the topic.....U came in here ignored the topic and focused on were I said Tariq has yet to call out Star for his trangressions. That one line triggered you and u been caping for Tariq pretty much all day, in a topic thats not even about Tariq. You didnt say shyt about Sa Neter, Poppy, Tommy Sotomayer, Umar or Proffessor Griff. I seriously doubt u even watched any of the posted videos like I did. The fact that u went so hard caping for Tariq in a thread not even about him tells me u are a fanatic who just didn't like what I said about Tariq, even tho it was based on his words I made my conclusion.
u lost credibility when u 1) told the Envy 2006 story all wrong and 2) I asked u to name 1 person Tariq has taken out more cunning then Star and u responded 5 times juelzing with no name. Then u exosed yourself as a troll telling me to do your work for you by scrolling thru years of Twitter to prove a point you're trying to make. SMH. Once u did that I knew u were trolling. I dont take u serious on this topic anymore. U can have the last word
At this point breh, you're just spinning your wheels regurgitating the same

as I've already precisely & throughly addressed all of your claims numerous times throughout this thread.