Sandy Hook 911 Phone Calls released with approval of what's the big deal?

Jun 24, 2012
Real Discussion here folks...If you don't agree with it...gladly walk out of the thread. Including mods.

So a judge approved by the FOIA( Freedom of Information Act) to release the 911 calls of the Sandy Hook shooting last year. According to the families and Connecticut State Officials say the tapes "Would be too much for them and would open a new wound up". The mainstream media has spliced and edited the tapes for the public to hear on their stations because they claim it to be "too graphic and horrifying" and out of respect won't play the rest for the families whom may be listening.

Sad thing about this is....there is nothing on the tapes describing what has been said by the msm. What the tapes do show is inconsistencies and barely any real substance of the 5 W's. It also pins out no screaming, no real sounds of gun-fire and extreme calm from the callers even though 26 people have been killed. Out of 7 callers...5 are one guy named Rick Throne( who was never interviewed once after the incident) and he on recording time 10 mins. The other 2 calls are from two women. Now between the 7 calls it adds up to about approx. 15 mins. The official statement says the event happened and was all over in 3-5 mins.

In many people's eyes...they can never question an event like this cause it has to do with children but if you were the family, wouldn't you want to know the truth? By listening to the's your own discretion to make out what it is....
