Gentrification is the fukking worst. If you follow the history of this country with the systematic racism, the new deal, the government basically creating the suburbs and basically helping white people to build generational wealth while denying black people the same right, white flight and etc, you'll see that this is clearly a part of the plan. Basically the baby boomers kids and grandkids coming back to the same neighborhoods that their parents ran away from and displacing the people that stayed because they don't want to stay in the suburbs they grew up in. The same ghetto that they used to idolize to be either scared to death of because mommy and daddy told them not to move there when they were kids or they would idolize hearing jay z and biggie is now the go to spot. Most of the ghetto parts of brooklyn is cool to go to now.
What's worse is that if the same displaced people ever tried to move to the same places most of these hipsters ,yuppies, and gentrifiers moved from, they either can't afford it or they get the

treatment. You know the whole "what are you guys doing on this side of town". They don't want them there. "They are bringing down the house value". "The neighborhood is becoming unsafe". No proof, they just see a bunch of black people roaming around and they assume the worst. Yet when they come into these working class or historically impoverished neighborhoods and frequent them, then start to move in, the housing values suddenly start to go up. Real estate is racist as fukk. Redlining and the whole nine. The government makes it happen though.
I also find it annoying that a lot of the gentrifiers and hipsters all wanna get involved in the whole "social justice warrior" bullshyt, act like die hard liberals, or worst off like the hipsters, trying to act like they're poor or impoverished to be trendy. It's like they are mocking or joking about that shyt. I really can't take someone who participates or supports in gentrification process input on social issues seriously. That would be the first issue they would deal with if they were really about that social justice, "actorivism" life. They don't see that they are the irony.