Salute to Colin Kaepernick: Kaepernick sits during national anthem


May 6, 2012
"support our troops". Talk them up to be Gods, but completely abandon them. These dudes can't find jobs, are sick, homeless, etc... You'd think a groop of people who react this way would treat the troops a lil better, no?


Aug 17, 2012
New York City

I do not blame Myke, he's a rookie and I'm sure the powers that be didn't want it to go down and they stopped it. Notice his Agent put out the statement. Once Myke started to trend on Twitter worldwide for Joining Colin, The Eagles Organization got nervous as hell. The point was he still made his voice heard and it proves that Black players are being silenced to speak out politically. This only makes Colin's actions even more powerful. This is why Black Players need to be on a unified front with this because Myke jumped out there alone to help Colin and he was still alone to the point that the Eagles and his Agent were able to stop it. Again it doesn't have to all be protesting the flag but a UNIFIED FRONT that as Black Players they will take a stand against injustice.

Victor Cruz definitely f*cked up throwing himself out there trying to tell Colin "What he should do". He's not on code so I'm proud of Myke for being on code and understand how powerless he is as a rookie why he had to backtrack on standing with Colin. The fact is this is the NFL NIGHTMARE and why they had to stop Myke before it speads even further. Black Players waking up and possibly protesting causing the League Big Money. Also notice Drew Brees or Harbaugh never once brought up Police Bruality and what Colin mentioned. White America the reality is when it comes to racism and what Black People go through:

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May 15, 2014
I do not blame Myke, he's a rookie and I'm sure the powers that be didn't want it to go down and they stopped it. Notice his Agent put out the statement. Once Myke started to trend on Twitter worldwide for Joining Colin, The Eagles Organization got nervous as hell. The point was he still made his voice heard and it proves that Black players are being silenced to speak out politically. This only makes Colin's actions even more powerful. This is why Black Players need to be on a unified front with this because Myke jumped out there alone to help Colin and he was still alone to the point that the Eagles and his Agent were able to stop it. Again it doesn't have to all be protesting the flag but a UNIFIED FRONT that as Black Players they will take a stand against injustice. Victor Cruz definitely f*cked up throwing himself out there trying to tell Colin "What he should do". He's not on code so I'm proud of Myke for being on code and understand how powerless he is as a rookie why he had to backtrack on standing with Colin. The fact is this is the NFL NIGHTMARE and why they had to stop Myke before it speads even further. Black Players waking up and possibly protesting causing the League Big Money.

Cosign everything you said. They know that all it takes is a few players to stand up and then you have a wild fire.

It is easy to stand up to bullies when you have people standing up with you.

Also don't put it pass these owners, media and networks to sit behind the scenes and give or offer these dudes perks or side deals to keep their mouths shut.

Remember sports is an extension of the government. Ain't no coincidence that the government went after Ali when he was the heavy weight champ. Even though years before he took the military test and they said he was borderline retarded. Then suddenly they want him to serve once he becomes the champ.

Anyway the government don't want this type of protests spreading like wildfire. The last thing they need is a bunch of black folks en masse with money and influence to be speaking out on social matters and how black folks are treated.