lets be real...
women in general especially black women take a stance on issues like these consistently...who's at these rallies for black men who are killed or mistreated by authority?....majority black women...this is a fact too
nikkas be out here not caring as a whole

always got love for the black woman....nikkas on the coli can do this "bedwench" charade all they want....black women the most loyal
Real talk, I read somewhere (maybe it was on a podcast out audiobook) that this is a gender role that's been embedded in all of us.
A Historical examples is the Holocaust. Men would turn away entire families in need of help (looking for a place to hide) in fear of the consequences of their actions.
Women wouldn't turn them away. They'd even try to convince their husbands to take them in knowing the consequences and what that could mean.
Strangely though if it's a group of all men, usually one man will take on the missing role.
On the flip side if there is immediate danger, someone has a gun, men will leap into action over 80℅ of the time.
Same thing, if no men are in the room usually a woman will step up.
It's crazy to me how we can't fight our instincts no matter how modernized we become.