They’re Spanish descendants… vs the natives, indigenous. The indigenous Mexicans are usually the short stocky ones.Low key when I see these white/off white Latinos talking all that free PR/DR/CU/MX/XYZ pride or whatever, I'm always kinda like, I get where you're coming from but why never address the racism going on, if they're on this Latino power/pride settings
Seeing how huge Bad Bunny has gotten and what he's doing for the island is amazing. But if he was a dark black man with strong African features, this would be a no brainer.
It's funny how the natives north of Mexico are legit light skin but the further south you go the darker they get. Idk who these white skin imposters are trying to fool
Yep they’re actually heavily discriminated against and they are usually portrayed as criminals on tv while the white ones are the stars…same with politics. Majority seems like like they’re mostly non indigenous… and Spanish (Spain) ties