Sage Steele showing her privilege again. Someone come get her!


Change is inevitable...
Jun 6, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
I swear to mufukkin god if the Democrats don't sweep Congress and win the presidency in 2020...:francis::francis:
Won't happen.

1. The Democratic Party does not have a viable candidate. They had one in Bernie Sanders and chose to go with Hillary Clinton, whom the country did not like, and they paid for it. By 2020, Bernie Sanders will be too old and Elizabeth Warren is too polarizing, plus the right wing of this country will massacre her dumbass for claiming to be Native American. They'll trot some NA's from South Dakota or some other place that is chock full of casino money and that's all she wrote.

2. White people are more comfortable with Trump and his people's than they let on. We know this based on the demographics of voters who voted for him in 2016. The fact of the matter is that white people have and continue to vote against their own interests because the majority of people in this country are fukking stupid. This is why Trumps Administration can lie about something petty like crowd sizes at this inauguration despite live visible evidence showing that it was nowhere near how many people showed up for Obama. This is also why Kellyane Conway (aka KAC) can lie about there being a massacre at Bowling Green and then the next day get on TV and say she misspoke.

This is a Center Right country....always remember that. Americans prattle on about Freedom but make no mistake, they LOVE Authoritarianism. They CRAVE that shyt. A charismatic leader who will make promises to them that he can't possibly keep while making them feel safe and secure in who they are despite the fact that their actions disenfranchise and subjugate those who are not like them in a land whose very existence is predicated on equality and fairness for all?

He's getting 8 it


By Way of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War
May 31, 2012
Dallas, TX
Wait people in here actually arguing the merits of banning Muslims and revoking citizenship? Dear god

I read it's something like 57% of people support the president's executive order right now. Well, even MORE in the US (61%) supported keeping out Jewish refugees during WWII based on propaganda and misinformation about the inherent evil of Jewish people. We all saw how that worked out

Think scapegoating and demonizing certain groups makes you smarter, safer, or better as people, brehs