Brehs catching feelings .. 
Is "safe" the new "articulate" ......
Is "safe" equivalent to "newblack" or is "newblack" just means more effort is put in being successful than squirming and making excuses based on past injustices? ...
I think safe has c00n connotations, but being an "upstanding" person which could be safe, doesn't make one a c00n. The issue is going against the grain, would imply one is unsafe, and going against the grain doesn't necessarily mean drug dealing and being a thuggity thug ... it also means political and cultural deviation from the mainstream, which is connotated as unsafe.
I see why brehs are catching feelings, b/se we aspire and respect many of these black men being shown, and to be called "safe" unfortunately implies you MIGHT NOT HAVE BACKBONE, and will never deviate from the norm.

So I can make another thread and call "The Most Upstanding Black Men in America" it would get different responses???????
..... ok ...
I'll do that
Nevermind, I'm to lazy...enough Black Excellence threads to go around ...

Is "safe" the new "articulate" ......
Is "safe" equivalent to "newblack" or is "newblack" just means more effort is put in being successful than squirming and making excuses based on past injustices? ...

I think safe has c00n connotations, but being an "upstanding" person which could be safe, doesn't make one a c00n. The issue is going against the grain, would imply one is unsafe, and going against the grain doesn't necessarily mean drug dealing and being a thuggity thug ... it also means political and cultural deviation from the mainstream, which is connotated as unsafe.
I see why brehs are catching feelings, b/se we aspire and respect many of these black men being shown, and to be called "safe" unfortunately implies you MIGHT NOT HAVE BACKBONE, and will never deviate from the norm.

So I can make another thread and call "The Most Upstanding Black Men in America" it would get different responses???????
..... ok ...
I'll do that

Nevermind, I'm to lazy...enough Black Excellence threads to go around ...

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