I'm out here in goatganda and went to the supermarket. I had a bag and walk in and breh stops me
saying o have to check my bag. I'm like I have a laptop and he says I have to see inside to verify 
I'm like aii and carry on but I watch the entrance and this kewngandan and what do you know 3 mzungus in the next ten minutes enter the store with bags and breh doesn't do anything. Once cac even stood right beside him for a few minutes looking at indomie noodles and he didn't say a word.
Yet when every black dude entered the store he's on them like logic85
Sohh on my exit I'm like why are you scared of white people?
. And all this kewn could say was we check everyone's bag sir 

I'm like aii and carry on but I watch the entrance and this kewngandan and what do you know 3 mzungus in the next ten minutes enter the store with bags and breh doesn't do anything. Once cac even stood right beside him for a few minutes looking at indomie noodles and he didn't say a word.
Yet when every black dude entered the store he's on them like logic85
Sohh on my exit I'm like why are you scared of white people?