Wow. i haven't heard about this one. Cant even keep up anymore its so many. This looks like cold blooded murder like the rest of em. The officer "felt threatened" by a man with his back to him running the opposite direction? Instead of running in pursuit or calling for backup, his only option is to murder him by the cowardly act of shooting him in the back? I swear these pigs.....I hope this cac gets the death penalty although i know he will just get a tap on the wrist if that.
Its as if the white race places its fear in the hands of the pigs. They keep going with the defense of "he threatened me, he lunged at me" to allow the use of force because if we take away the pigs legal right to murder with no repercussions then the nikkas will run wild. Thats why whites rally behind these types of causes. To us its another unarmed black man brutally murdered, to them its upholding the status quo of keeping nikkas in their place and the tenements of white supremacy.
The police (and by extension, the army) are the vanguards of white supremacy
On a subconscious primal level, White people know that these forces are here to protect them from the perpetual pending "black threat"
This is why white people get offended when black people talk about arming themselves and shooting back at
bad corrupt cops....not the good ones.
Why get offended if Black people want to empower themselves by arming themselves against bad corrupt cops?
That should be applauded right?