This isn't slave days so miss me with that rhetoric.
If my son gets pulled over for a routine traffic stop, should he talk shyt to the officer? Get aggressive waving his hands around and talking loudly? Take off running because the cop is wrong? Be a martyr for the moment until someone else gets killed?
File a complaint or indentify my childs body. I was raised that cops are looking for a reason to shoot so do your best not to be on the wrong end of that gun.
How would any of that benefit him when he already has 2 strikes (being a black man) against him. Black men are not equal to whites. If he was white and ran they'll just chase him. If he had a gun, they'll just call swat and negotiate.
Please inform me...if I have a son who was in this same situation....what should I tell him to do as soon as that cop pulls him over?
You should tell your son to bow his head and maybe rap for the cop because that's what you're going to do anyway. Maybe tell him to do a jig for the cop. Oh, I know....tell him to sing a Negro spiritual. As long as he can walk away with his life.....forget his dignity. Black men don't need that, right?
Again, you sound like a slave mother, which is understandable as your experience in America as a black women, I assume, who is the descendant of black women traumatized by their experience under a system of white supremacy.
I don't advocate being disrespectful period. Cop or regular dude on street. But I also don't advocate being less than a man, no matter the situation. That's one of the problems with the black men have been transformed into boys. A remnant of the salve trade and slavery used as a survival mechanism. The issue is that it has become a lifestyle....a lifestyle that is leading more black men being killed.
White people are doing what they're doing because they fear no retribution-politically, economically or physically. You'll probably deny that and come up with some "we protest" bullsh#t statement to confirm the urgent fear that whites have of blacks or marching in downtown corridors. I will laugh at your statement and then ignore it as a waste of my time to respond.
Anywho, I will not be teaching my children to bow down to disrespect, neglect and hate. That is cowardly and I will not raise a cowardly son just so he can live his life finding more ways to justify his slave-like existence as being a subject of the United States of America. I will not tell my son that is better for him to live on his knees than die on his feet.
Me, I like my dignity. It's a necessary part of my day and my life. I couldn't live without it and I won't live without it. So, I will not be teaching my child to bow his head. I couldn't live with myself raising another spineless, weak black male who speaks like his mother, so he can justify his nut sack being separated from his body.
As the great dikk Gregory has said when posed with the same bullsh#t question you asked, "sometimes its better to die."