Let me ask you a question: if there were no guns in America would there be less killing or more killing?how is it not working?
Let me ask you a question: if there were no guns in America would there be less killing or more killing?how is it not working?
I don't disagree. But the barn door has been left open so long that there are so many weapons in circulation it would take decades to even dent the black market supply. Countries like the U.K banned them before they got popular.America is too stupid to admit the Second Amendment (the right to bear arms) is not working.
killing somebody isn't dumb judgement. that's malice. that's premeditated slaughter. that's lynching with lead.handcuff a dead body smh
It looked like some altercation may have happened at the very beginning of the video, regardless of what it was, you're then supposed to chase the person on foot, not get mad and empty out a whole clip......
but with that being said, cops are human and don't always follow rules, if u see one run up on u DO NOT GET PHYSICAL WITH THEM OR HIT THEM, they can kill you if they want to just like anyone else with a gun could.
Stop thinking cops are mindless robots that must follow rules at all times, ur life is in danger when they're present at all times, so don't try no funny sh1t, they are itching to kill so dont give them a reason to.
If I see a cop im immediately dropping to my knees with my hands behind my head, even if i didnt do nothing
I just read the article and it looks like son was reaching for the taser, which doesn't warrant death but is extremely dumb to do to a person with a gun
It's pretty much what I thought, u can't violate these cops and think you're just gonna get away with it, they're regular people with emotions no different than gang bangers/bloods n crips. A couple months training on "the force" and a badge don't change sh1t.
Same sh1t probably happened with Mike Brown, cop got violated and probably was on sum fuk this law sh1t and let off.
Dumb judgment on both the cops part and the homie that died in this situation.
Im gonna make a thread with rules/commandments when witnessing police brutality.:thinking: I will find some info and ask the coli brehs to add on.
I think if the witnesses to Mike Browns murder KNEW that they were not obligated to turn over their cell phones then it may have been possible (MAYBE) that Darren "Devil" Wilson would not ave got off.
Even the black man that was beat/mauled to death by the police dog had a witness video tape it and the cops tried to LIE and force the witness to give up his evidence.
When I make this thread it will be will links to information on what you are LEGALLY obligated to do and what you should do to preserve your evidence in case they try to tamper
handcuff a dead body smh
It looked like some altercation may have happened at the very beginning of the video, regardless of what it was, you're then supposed to chase the person on foot, not get mad and empty out a whole clip......
but with that being said, cops are human and don't always follow rules, if u see one run up on u DO NOT GET PHYSICAL WITH THEM OR HIT THEM, they can kill you if they want to just like anyone else with a gun could.
Stop thinking cops are mindless robots that must follow rules at all times, ur life is in danger when they're present at all times, so don't try no funny sh1t, they are itching to kill so dont give them a reason to.
If I see a cop im immediately dropping to my knees with my hands behind my head, even if i didnt do nothing
I just read the article and it looks like son was reaching for the taser, which doesn't warrant death but is extremely dumb to do to a person with a gun
It's pretty much what I thought, u can't violate these cops and think you're just gonna get away with it, they're regular people with emotions no different than gang bangers/bloods n crips. A couple months training on "the force" and a badge don't change sh1t.
Same sh1t probably happened with Mike Brown, cop got violated and probably was on sum fuk this law sh1t and let off.
Dumb judgment on both the cops part and the homie that died in this situation.
Let me ask you a question: if there were no guns in America would there be less killing or more killing?
All a show.this press conference getting tense.![]()
I remember talking to my baby brother about the mike brown situation, he said a lot of white cops had a very narcissistic attitude about it. Different cities have similar problems.then dont debate, there is nothing more to say here, cop was wrong, cops are in position of power in society when they are at work, thus making them different. Like i said there is nothing to argue here, cop was wrong, this man was unarmed posing no threat at the time of the shooting.
Again if u feel there i some other points u need to make or justify in your head, this isnt the thread to do it in.