Liked black panther in civil war, infinity war and end game way better than the official black panther movie
Felt like he didn’t really flex on his super hero powers
anyone else feel this way
End ThreadYeah you're right. The movie had too much substance, black pride, emotion and overall great acting. Lupita was too fine. Michael B Jordan killed his roll too much. I don't think it's what people wanted to see, even though they went multiple times helping it earn over $700 million in the U.S.
Liked black panther in civil war, infinity war and end game way better than the official black panther movie
Felt like he didn’t really flex on his super hero powers
anyone else feel this way
Out yourself as a cac brehsLiked black panther in civil war, infinity war and end game way better than the official black panther movie
Felt like he didn’t really flex on his super hero powers
anyone else feel this way
He's a sheAHHHHH ... track1 is back .... he aint make it past the marvel logo ..
surprised he knows BP was in CW, IW and EG
while I agree he didn't flex his super powers enough, I don't agree with Coogler not being the right director. the movie was great. Hopefully, they show more in the upcoming filmsLiked black panther in civil war, infinity war and end game way better than the official black panther movie
Felt like he didn’t really flex on his super hero powers
anyone else feel this way