They didn't care till Guyana found a bunch of oil.Guyanese hope you are rightVenezuelans Say Most Of Guyana Is Theirs. Guyanese Call That A 'Jumbie' Story
They didn't care till Guyana found a bunch of oil.Guyanese hope you are rightVenezuelans Say Most Of Guyana Is Theirs. Guyanese Call That A 'Jumbie' Story
The truth is that it’s too big but no one wants it. Eastern Russia should have been its own country by now.I don't have the Diamond Tier, Foreign Policy Coli Certs, but personally I am amazed at Russia's ineptitude.
I know a lot had been talked about Russian influence/hacking our election, but watching this army lacking a serious threat. Don't get me wrong, it is a army, but just already low morale... bad logistics, bad communication, and easily revealed plans.
It's truly amazing, from my eyes, that if Russia didn't have any nukes, that country would be considerably taken over by a force. I mean even now, after the major parts of this is over, Russia really is going to economic trouble and a vastly exposed national defense.
We had a thread on this. I seriously could see Maduro going for it.haha true
Let's just say I don't think Venezuela is "bold" enough for that power move. I honestly thought a few years ago Brazil or Colombia might oust him but I think the US must've said no. Invading Guyana would certainly be a pretext for his neighbors to overthrow him. I also think the US and UK are involved in the oil in Guyana and just in general I never see them invading lol.
from the link
"In school they would take points off if we didn't draw the Esequibo [territory] lines on the Venezuelan map," recalled Maria Alejandra Marquez, who grew up in Venezuela convinced that region of Guyana belonged to her country.
"If you asked me to draw a map of Venezuela on a napkin right now, I would include it."
that article has got some real gems
why? I thought swedes didn't bust they guns?Hitler wasn't dumb enough to try and invade Sweden. I doubt Putin really tries and this will probably make Finland run faster to NATO