Lord Putin probably sent them directly to the front line after they posted that vid...what a miserable end to a life
Edit thats exactly what happened:
Sending ethnic Russians from Serbia to be literal cannon fodderCan only imagine how Russian govt. feel about actually dark skin people.....Meanwhile Comrade Coli Brigade keeps posting about white supremacist Nazi Ukrainians who at this point are just defending their country...not to absolve any elements of Nazism in Ukraine but their not the one's trying to start ww3 at the moment thru 19/20th century style imperalism
.People love talking about how p*ssy Americans are but AIN'T NO WAY lol how Russia hasn't had a revolution over this bs I've lost complete respect for them as a nation the little I had to begin with
They took away all their guns, every country thats been Communist had there guns taken away from them along with the freedom to peacefully assemble and protest. When your politicians dont have that subconcious fear about getting clapped in the open by anybody from an extremist on the other side, to an extremist in their party, their own security or just some lunatic, they start passing those kind of laws domestically. Russias about 3 or 4 months from a full blown war economy and martial law and nobody can realistically do a damn thing about it