man Korea is split because of the U.S. We created that whole situation down there. Had we just minded our business, shyt probably wouldnt be this bad.
NK is miltarized because some foreigners ahem, decided to interfere in their affairs. now you're the one pissed off? really? what a joke, if anyone should be pissed off at anyone, it should be them!!!!
I agree U.S did have a hand in the mess the Nk is today. But that isnt any resson to have concentration camps. Thats not a reason to allow children to be born into labor camps and work in them their whole lives.
But again fuk NK and anybody who luv em. They are evil period breh.
For the record i would not go to that country and spend money contributes to that goverment if they paid me.
Vaction in countries where they actively enslave people brehs.