
May 3, 2012
What I don't understand is why would anyone defend a known pathological liar/narcissist/idiot like Cheetoh. No matter what your politics are, shouldn't it be clear from this bozo's track record that he is unfit to lead anything?:mindblown:

This knee-jerk defense of Cheetoh from the Infowars/Youtuber/Conspiracy Inc. set is baffling to me. How far does the :cape:go? Will you be joining Bikers for Trump, the White Supremacist militias, and "Second Amendment" folks that Cheetoh mentioned would take care of Hillary when this irresponsible flaming moron calls for some kind of revolution? If he's going down you know he's gonna wanna take the whole country with him.

He is a man of the lowest character. He has the traits that I teach my kids not to have. He stokes the flames of fear instead of inspiring hope. That is the primary trait of a demagogue and the opposite of a leader. Stop giving this lowlife piece of shyt scum a pass.
I feel it, so let's keep it Ben Frank then. Kick rocks with that tin foil hat ish.:camby:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State


EXCLUSIVE: Female Ex-Russian Spy Was Appointed to Trump Organization to Launder Money
By Pesach
May 19, 2017
Posted on


Elena A. Baronoff was listed as the VP of Customer Relations at Trump Grande, and was considered the “International Ambassador for Sunny Isles Beach,” an exclusive strip of land that was reserved for the richest of the rich. Everyone knew her in the enclave, and a profile of her even called her the “face of Sunny Isles Beach and the real estate industry.” She was close to millionaires, billionaires, designers and moguls — and even was quite wealthy herself.

The problem is that, despite being a well-known socialite, she was also a former Spy. She had originally come to America as a “Cultural Attaché in Public Diplomacy for the Russian Government,” a title almost exclusively used by spies of the Russian government trying to infiltrate business circles in the 1980’s. She was one of perhaps hundreds of women that Russia used over 40 years including the famous and beautiful Anna Chapman to influence business on behalf of Russia and it’s business interests.

Elena wasn’t just the VP of Customer Relations for Trump Grand, she was one of the biggest sellers of real-estate for Trump in the area, and the exclusive realtor for the Trump Grand, focusing on selling his properties specifically to Russians – specifically Mobsters and politically connected individuals.

According a story written about the sales, in the Nation Magazine, Ken Silverstien wrote:

“She took me to see a unit on the thirty-eighth floor of Trump Palace, which looked out on the turquoise waters of the Atlantic and was on the market for $2.3 million. ‘Living in a Trump property is like living in a hotel,’ she told me, as we stood on a balcony. The unit was attractively priced, she said cheerfully, and all the more so as the owner, a Russian looking to buy a bigger condo elsewhere in the area, had spent at least $350,000 on improvements.


Elena and Ivanka in 2014

Later that day, I obtained the property records for the condo. The legal owner is a company registered in Belize, an offshore haven where, according to a government website, there ‘is no requirement to file annual returns or public disclosure of directors, shareholders, charges, loans or agreements.'”

Reuters Reported that many people involved in Putin’s government, bought real estate in Sunny Isles, but didn’t report them on disclosure forms required by the Russian government itself to prevent money laundering.

Three owners of were accused in federal indictments of belonging to a Russian-American organized crime group and working for a major international crime boss based in Russia. One of them was arrested for even running a gambling and money laundering ring in the Trump tower in Manhattan.

According to my source who worked with her, basically her entire job was to introduce Russians from all over the world to the Trump organization — allegedly to launder their money by buying real estate. She would travel with the Trump organization to “sister cities” using her “sunny isles ambassadorship” in new potential cities that Trump wanted to develop, often bringing rich Russian men with her that would express interest in buying into those new developments.

Remember Donald Trump Jr. bragged that “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia?” We found these photos of Ivanka, Jr and Eric, with Elena A. Baronoff in Russia — meeting with Russian money “investors” of their condos. If you notice the huge body guards behind them in the first photo, you know these guys are more than just normal “businessmen.”

These four previously unpublished photos show the Trump family in Russia (all three of them) with Russian partners. These photos have never been published in the media before, and shows that not only were they there, but they were there with the person responsible for selling properties to meet with potential buyers/investors IN Russia.

We haven’t had time to identify all the people in the photos yet, but it would be interesting to know.
You can see real estate developer Michael Dezer who worked on Trump projects in some of the photos.






We couldn’t reach her because she died in 2015 of Leukemia, after it suddenly was found spread all over her body. She had described being in immense pain suddenly while traveling, and was surprised to learn she had cancer and died within a year.

Her real estate business is still run by her son George, who changed his last name to Baronov. In an interview, he pointed out how important Russians are to Trump.

What does this mean? Not only has Trump tried to hide his obvious connections to Russia, but that it was so important that his main sales person of his Condo’s in Florida was intimately connected TO Russia. Her background working for the embassy as a “Cultural Attaché” meant she had connections that allowed Trump to access the highest levels of Russian society — and was important enough for his entire family to visit Russia with her to meet potential Russian buyers.

@DonKnock @The Black Panther @SJUGrad13 @88m3@Cali_livin @Menelik II @Hogan in the Wolfpac @wire28 @Atlrocafella @Ss4gogeta0 @smitty22 @Reality @fact @Hood Critic @ExodusNirvana @Call Me James @Blessed Is the Man @THE MACHINE @OneManGang @duckbutta @TheDarceKnight @Ed MOTHERfukkING G
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Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
No idiot.

This is why I don't respect you.

The NYTimes and every other outlet that reported the story sticks to their claim because their sources suggest Comey may have disagreed with PART of the article. Not all of it.
:francis: You linked me to a NYT article spinning... er defending NYT after Comey confirmed part of the narrative they were(and still are) pushing is, and I quote "not factual".
The question was simply, in your opinion, did his testimony harm the credibility of the NTY in any way?
You don't have to rage every time theres a post that disrupts your echo chamber.

:leon:I see you threw in some name calling too.


Aug 29, 2014
BURR: Are you confident that no votes cast in the 2016 presidential election were altered?

COMEY: I'm confident. When I left as director I had seen no indication of that whatsoever.


BURR: Director Comey, did the president at any time ask you to stop the FBI investigation into Russian involvement in the 2016 U.S. Elections?

COMEY: Not to my understanding, no.

BURR: Did any individual working for this administration, including the justice department, ask you to stop the Russian investigation?


WARNER: Did the president ever ask about any other ongoing investigation?


WARNER: Did he ever ask about you trying to interfere on any other investigation?



:damn:Where are you guys getting Trump colluded with Russia without a doubt from?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Muller's Special Counsel are over the following:

- Continuing the Russia Probe
1. President Obama ordered US intelligence agencies to look into Russian intervening of the 2016 presidential elections.
Intelligence agencies are like. :picard: "We are finding some unsavory bullshyt from Russia"

FBI/Comey continue the investigation. Trump and his administration start getting paranoid Which leads to the summer of fukkery we are in.

- Manafort Probe
1. Muller expands Russian probe with a criminal investigation of Paul Manufort.
Basically the DOT are like :usure: how is your ass getting paid? May be in violation of FARA.

-Flynn Probe
1. Muller and team are taking on the grand jury investigation in Virginia.

Plus the Senate and House of Representatives committees investigations.

The above statements do not mean he didn't collude with Russia.

It just means

-No votes were altered. (Like literally changed)
-Trump never ask to stop the Russia investigations. ( Flynn probe is separate, remember Trump "inquired" about Flynn not the Russian meddling)
-No one in the administration asked to stop the Russia investigations.
-Trump did not outright ask for any investigations to be stopped.
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Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
Muller's Special Counsel are over the following:

- Continuing the Russia Probe
1. President Obama ordered US intelligence agencies to look into Russian intervening of the 2016 presidential elections.
Intelligence aganices is like. :picard: "We are finding some unsavory bullshyt from Russia"

FBI/Comey continue the investigation. Trump and his administration start getting paranoid Which leads to the summer of fukkery we are in.

- Manafort Probe
1. Muller expands Russian probe with a criminal investigation of Paul Manufort.
Basically the DOT are like :usure: how is your ass getting paid? May be in violation of FARA.

-Flynn Probe
1. Muller and team are taking on the grand jury investigation in Virginia.

Plus the Senate and House of Representatives committees investigations.

The above statements do not mean he didn't colluded with Russia.

It just means

-No votes were altered. (Like literally changed)
-Trump never ask to stop the Russia investigations. ( Flynn probe is separate, remember Trump "inquired" about Flynn not the Russian meddling)
-No one in the administration asked to stop the Russia investigations.
-Trump did not outright ask for any investigations to be stopped.
:obama:Appreciate it fam.

and :salute:to you guys keeping up with this shyt storm.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
:francis: You linked me to a NYT article spinning... er defending NYT after Comey confirmed part of the narrative they were(and still are) pushing is, and I quote "not factual".
The question was simply, in your opinion, did his testimony harm the credibility of the NTY in any way?
You don't have to rage every time theres a post that disrupts your echo chamber.

:leon:I see you threw in some name calling too.
The credibility of the NYTimes is not harmed if the NYTimes is saying their WIDE RANGING STORY is still credible. Comey DID NOT SPECIFY WHAT HE DISAGREED WITH IN THAT LONG AND MULTIFACETED ARTICLE.



The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Muller's Special Counsel are over the following:

- Continuing the Russia Probe
1. President Obama ordered US intelligence agencies to look into Russian intervening of the 2016 presidential elections.
Intelligence agencies are like. :picard: "We are finding some unsavory bullshyt from Russia"

FBI/Comey continue the investigation. Trump and his administration start getting paranoid Which leads to the summer of fukkery we are in.

- Manafort Probe
1. Muller expands Russian probe with a criminal investigation of Paul Manufort.
Basically the DOT are like :usure: how is your ass getting paid? May be in violation of FARA.

-Flynn Probe
1. Muller and team are taking on the grand jury investigation in Virginia.

Plus the Senate and House of Representatives committees investigations.

The above statements do not mean he didn't collude with Russia.

It just means

-No votes were altered. (Like literally changed)
-Trump never ask to stop the Russia investigations. ( Flynn probe is separate, remember Trump "inquired" about Flynn not the Russian meddling)
-No one in the administration asked to stop the Russia investigations.
-Trump did not outright ask for any investigations to be stopped.
You're forgetting (and I know its easy to do at this rate) that a whistleblower came forward who used to work at the State Department and talked about how the Trump transition wanted to remove Russian sanctions:

How the Trump administration’s secret efforts to ease Russia sanctions fell short

Trump administration moves to return Russian compounds in Maryland and New York


Aug 29, 2014
:obama:Appreciate it fam.

and :salute:to you guys keeping up with this shyt storm.
It's too much shyt going on which is sad. This is not normal.

Just removing all this political stuff from the table we are still left with a president who lacks ethics and professionalism.

It would be nice if someone made a bulletpoint timeline of events linking articles.
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Nov 26, 2013

Paul Ryan Taped With Russian Ambassador On GOP Money Laundering

Patribotics hopes to expand our reporting and commission other writers. If you would like to donate, there are buttons around the site, or you could make a contribution here.
Exclusive: Sources with links to the intelligence community now confirm that a tape exists of Paul Ryan, the Speaker of the House, discussing how Russian money could be funneled without detection to target GOP campaigns, including Ryan’s.

These sources report that Mr. Ryan is also on tape discussing how he can best use and disseminate Wikileaks material that was hacked from the DNC by Russia in order to win both his own election and election for Trump.

Further, sources say, the tape of Mr. Ryan discussing his knowledge of Russia funding the GOP that has previously been published in the Washington Post is in fact a small fragment of a much more damaging tape.

Patribotics exclusively broke the news of that tape one week before it was released in the mainstream media. In this story of May 11th I reported:

On Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House, normally third in the line of succession, I can report as fact that sources say that Ryan has been legally intercepted, and is on tape, admitting that he knew Russian money was being laundered into the Republican party. Without co-operation pending resignation Ryan may find himself swept up into a RICO prosecution involving the apparatus of the Republican party who accepted laundered Russian money.

A week later Adam Entous at the Washington Post printed his exclusive report on the partial content of that tape.

My sources had clarified, at the time, that this tape was not the same as I had heard previously, namely, that Paul Ryan was directly on tape at the GOP convention discussing money laundering with the Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak. Reince Priebus was on tape doing so, these sources said.

Separate sources with links to the intelligence community and justice departments now confirm that there are at least two tapes of Speaker Ryan discussing Russian money, however. One is the tape that I reported and which the Washington Post published. The second, however, is indeed of Ryan speaking with Kislyak at the convention. Sources report that there is signals intelligence, or SIGINT, of Paul Ryan discussing Russian money reaching the GOP and being covered up through companies using the ruling on Citizens United. Further, there is signals intelligence connecting Ryan to discussions on how best to use hacked data from Wikileaks to benefit Trump’s campaign and his own as well as the GOP in general.

Sources with links to the intelligence community report a widespread belief that Mr. Ryan is being forced to act sympathetic towards Trump and dismissive of the Russian probe because Russia holds kompromat upon him. There is anger, these sources say, amongst rank and file intelligence agents at Paul Ryan’s gross defense of Trump and rank misstatements of Director Comey’s bombshell testimony. Affirmation that Paul Ryan is on tape discussing Wikileaks and Russian money laundering with Sergei Kislyak at the GOP convention – as well as the extensive further tapes that exist of the Washington Post discussion where Ryan admits knowledge of the conspiracy to wash Russian money – may have been passed on in detail in order to remind the Speaker that if Russia holds kompromat on him so does the United States, and he may wish to reconsider his position before constantly defending treason by Donald Trump.