
May 28, 2012

Paul Ryan Taped With Russian Ambassador On GOP Money Laundering

Patribotics hopes to expand our reporting and commission other writers. If you would like to donate, there are buttons around the site, or you could make a contribution here.
Exclusive: Sources with links to the intelligence community now confirm that a tape exists of Paul Ryan, the Speaker of the House, discussing how Russian money could be funneled without detection to target GOP campaigns, including Ryan’s.

These sources report that Mr. Ryan is also on tape discussing how he can best use and disseminate Wikileaks material that was hacked from the DNC by Russia in order to win both his own election and election for Trump.

Further, sources say, the tape of Mr. Ryan discussing his knowledge of Russia funding the GOP that has previously been published in the Washington Post is in fact a small fragment of a much more damaging tape.

Patribotics exclusively broke the news of that tape one week before it was released in the mainstream media. In this story of May 11th I reported:

On Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House, normally third in the line of succession, I can report as fact that sources say that Ryan has been legally intercepted, and is on tape, admitting that he knew Russian money was being laundered into the Republican party. Without co-operation pending resignation Ryan may find himself swept up into a RICO prosecution involving the apparatus of the Republican party who accepted laundered Russian money.

A week later Adam Entous at the Washington Post printed his exclusive report on the partial content of that tape.

My sources had clarified, at the time, that this tape was not the same as I had heard previously, namely, that Paul Ryan was directly on tape at the GOP convention discussing money laundering with the Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak. Reince Priebus was on tape doing so, these sources said.

Separate sources with links to the intelligence community and justice departments now confirm that there are at least two tapes of Speaker Ryan discussing Russian money, however. One is the tape that I reported and which the Washington Post published. The second, however, is indeed of Ryan speaking with Kislyak at the convention. Sources report that there is signals intelligence, or SIGINT, of Paul Ryan discussing Russian money reaching the GOP and being covered up through companies using the ruling on Citizens United. Further, there is signals intelligence connecting Ryan to discussions on how best to use hacked data from Wikileaks to benefit Trump’s campaign and his own as well as the GOP in general.

Sources with links to the intelligence community report a widespread belief that Mr. Ryan is being forced to act sympathetic towards Trump and dismissive of the Russian probe because Russia holds kompromat upon him. There is anger, these sources say, amongst rank and file intelligence agents at Paul Ryan’s gross defense of Trump and rank misstatements of Director Comey’s bombshell testimony. Affirmation that Paul Ryan is on tape discussing Wikileaks and Russian money laundering with Sergei Kislyak at the GOP convention – as well as the extensive further tapes that exist of the Washington Post discussion where Ryan admits knowledge of the conspiracy to wash Russian money – may have been passed on in detail in order to remind the Speaker that if Russia holds kompromat on him so does the United States, and he may wish to reconsider his position before constantly defending treason by Donald Trump.


Fukk you thought it was?
Apr 30, 2012
How you gonna ROFL with a hollow back?

Paul Ryan Taped With Russian Ambassador On GOP Money Laundering

Patribotics hopes to expand our reporting and commission other writers. If you would like to donate, there are buttons around the site, or you could make a contribution here.
Exclusive: Sources with links to the intelligence community now confirm that a tape exists of Paul Ryan, the Speaker of the House, discussing how Russian money could be funneled without detection to target GOP campaigns, including Ryan’s.

These sources report that Mr. Ryan is also on tape discussing how he can best use and disseminate Wikileaks material that was hacked from the DNC by Russia in order to win both his own election and election for Trump.

Further, sources say, the tape of Mr. Ryan discussing his knowledge of Russia funding the GOP that has previously been published in the Washington Post is in fact a small fragment of a much more damaging tape.

Patribotics exclusively broke the news of that tape one week before it was released in the mainstream media. In this story of May 11th I reported:

On Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House, normally third in the line of succession, I can report as fact that sources say that Ryan has been legally intercepted, and is on tape, admitting that he knew Russian money was being laundered into the Republican party. Without co-operation pending resignation Ryan may find himself swept up into a RICO prosecution involving the apparatus of the Republican party who accepted laundered Russian money.

A week later Adam Entous at the Washington Post printed his exclusive report on the partial content of that tape.

My sources had clarified, at the time, that this tape was not the same as I had heard previously, namely, that Paul Ryan was directly on tape at the GOP convention discussing money laundering with the Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak. Reince Priebus was on tape doing so, these sources said.

Separate sources with links to the intelligence community and justice departments now confirm that there are at least two tapes of Speaker Ryan discussing Russian money, however. One is the tape that I reported and which the Washington Post published. The second, however, is indeed of Ryan speaking with Kislyak at the convention. Sources report that there is signals intelligence, or SIGINT, of Paul Ryan discussing Russian money reaching the GOP and being covered up through companies using the ruling on Citizens United. Further, there is signals intelligence connecting Ryan to discussions on how best to use hacked data from Wikileaks to benefit Trump’s campaign and his own as well as the GOP in general.

Sources with links to the intelligence community report a widespread belief that Mr. Ryan is being forced to act sympathetic towards Trump and dismissive of the Russian probe because Russia holds kompromat upon him. There is anger, these sources say, amongst rank and file intelligence agents at Paul Ryan’s gross defense of Trump and rank misstatements of Director Comey’s bombshell testimony. Affirmation that Paul Ryan is on tape discussing Wikileaks and Russian money laundering with Sergei Kislyak at the GOP convention – as well as the extensive further tapes that exist of the Washington Post discussion where Ryan admits knowledge of the conspiracy to wash Russian money – may have been passed on in detail in order to remind the Speaker that if Russia holds kompromat on him so does the United States, and he may wish to reconsider his position before constantly defending treason by Donald Trump.
I would to see this pan out, but I personally don't put that much stock in the source. Please please please be true


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

BUSTED: Trump’s Lawyer Michael Cohen Lied. He Does Have Russian Kremlin Contacts
Grant SternJun 9
Miami based columnist and radio broadcaster, and professional mortgage broker.


Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen has contacts with the Russian Kremlin backed oligarchs who brought the Miss Universe Pageant to Moscow in 2013. Original images below
Newly discovered photos prove that Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen lied to Yahoo! news in January in a story they titled Trump attorney Michael Cohen: ‘I have no Russian Kremlin connections’.”

This Russian language official announcement of the deal to bring Miss Universe to Moscow at the end of 2013 proves that Michael Cohen has personally met with a Russian Kremlin linked connection — the billionaire Agalarov family. A complete set of photographs of the meeting is below.

“Michael Cohen is a liar, just like his boss, Donald Trump,” says the Democratic Coalition’s Scott Dworkin, who unearthed the photo of Cohen from a widely readRussian blog aggregator website. “We caught him red handed, yet again.”

Aras Agalarov hails from Azerbaijan, but is a Russian citizen.


Russian President Vladimir Putin awarding Aras Agalarov a friendship medal just before the Miss Universe Pageant in 2013.
He’s been called the “Trump of Russia” for his real estate mega-developments.

His son Emin Agalarov is a musician with an extensive social media presence.

Michael Cohen was present in Las Vegas on or near the date of June 16th, 2013 for a meeting with Trump and the Agalarovs, sitting on their side of the table.

Emin Agalarov documented the meeting at the Vegas Trump Hotel extensively, on Instagram.

The Agalarovs paid millions to Donald Trump in exchange for him holding the Miss Universe pageant in Moscow in the run-up to the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.


Original photo showing Michael Cohen in meeting with Russian oligarch Aras Agalarov, his son Emin (center) and Donald Trump
The Real Reason Trump Held The 2012 Miss Universe Pageant In Moscow
The original Russian language blogpost — source of the cover photo and the rest of the unretouched images below —was commented on heavily by Emin Agalarov. The author’s lede sentences are a firm reminder of Putin’s links to the negotiations, because she wrote that the Sochi Games publicity was the reason for the pageant’s visit to Moscow. Translated via Google Translate:

Donald Trump, owner of the world’s most popular beauty pageant, made today in Las Vegas, a sensational statement that the next contest “Miss Universe” will be held in Moscow, in a concert hall Crocus City Hall in the territory of Crocus City.For the first time the Miss Universe will be held in Russia, and this event will take place a few months before the start of the Winter Olympics in Sochi.
Vladimir Putin gave the quadrennial sporting event a significant amount of personal attention and the Sochi Winter Games became known more for corruption and massive Russian state-run doping scandal, than for sporting events.

Notably, Vladimir Putin awarded Agalarov a medal right before the pageant was held at his Crocus City development.

Michael Cohen’s flatly disclaimed Kremlin contacts when questioned by Yahoo! in the immediate aftermath of his prominent mention Buzzfeed’s release of the Trump Russia dossier.

But the New York Times discovered a month later that Cohen, was part of the Trump back channel to Russia, working with convicted felon Felix Sater — a former Trump Organization senior advisor — and a Ukrainian lawmaker to present a “peace plan” to General Michael Flynn.

Now we know that Michael Cohen blatantly lied to the press about his Russian Kremlin contacts, it raises a red flag about his involvement in the sham “peace deal” he incubated, which was little more than a thin excuse to drop American financial sanctions against Russia.

Here’s the complete photographic record of Donald Trump’s meeting with Kremlin linked-Russian oligarch Aras Agalarov, his family, Michael Cohen and others:









  • Grant Stern
    Medium member since Mar 2017
    Miami based columnist and radio broadcaster, and professional mortgage broker.


Nov 26, 2013

KING: There’s a huge education level drop-off with the Trump cabinet picks

Donald Trump will be the first President of the United States in 25 years to not have a graduate degree of any kind.

Shaun King

Thursday, December 15, 2016, 12:26 PM

On Tuesday night, Ta-Nehisi Coates made a guest appearance with Trevor Noah on “The Daily Show” to discuss “My President Was Black” — his brilliant reflection on the Obama presidency. On Wednesday, The Daily Show posted a memed quote from Coates that has been liked over 230,000 times.

It says this:

If I have to jump six feet to get the same thing that you have to jump two feet for — that’s how racism works.

To be President, Obama had to be scholarly, intelligent, President of the Harvard Law Review, the product of some of our greatest educational institutions, capable of talking to two different worlds.

KING: Here’s why I will never call Donald Trump ‘Mr. President’

Donald Trump had to be rich and white. That’s the difference.

And immediately, it got me curious to find out what the education level of the incoming Trump administration is compared to the Obama administration. What I found is stark and deeply revealing. In fact, the most educated man in the Trump administration is the lone black man — Dr. Ben Carson. If anything, that alone confirms some of what Coates was saying — that a black man has to jump six feet to reach the same thing white folk have to jump two feet for.

It starts from the top down. As Coates noted, Obama earned his B.A. from Columbia University and his law degree from Harvard — where he was the president of the Harvard Law Review.

Donald Trump will be the first President of the United States in 25 years to not have a graduate degree of any kind. Bill Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar and had a law degree from Yale University. Even George W. Bush had a Harvard MBA. Trump has B.S. in economics from University of Pennsylvania, but no advanced education.

KING: Allen West asked back to Trump Tower after anti-Muslim meme


Obama’s current Secretary of Education is (l.) John King Jr. The incoming Secretary of Education is Betsy DeVos (r.).
(Susan Walsh/AP)
Obama’s current Secretary of Education, John King Jr., has a B.A. from Harvard, a master’s degree and doctorate from Columbia, and a law degree from Yale on top of it all. He is one of the most educated people to ever hold the position of Secretary of Education. That makes sense right?

The incoming Secretary of Education is Betsy DeVos. She has a bachelor’s degree from Calvin College. That’s it. She’s also white and a billionaire. The standards are clearly different. Not a single black man in America would ever be under the impression that he could be Secretary of Education with a B.A. from Calvin College.

Trump picks Rep. Ryan Zinke to head Interior Department: report


After Chu (l.) served the Department of Energy for four years, he was succeeded by Ernest Moniz (c.). Trump just appointed Rick Perr (r.).
Perhaps no contrast is more stark than the difference between who President Obama has appointed as Secretary of Energy versus who Trump has appointed. Obama’s first Secretary of Energy was Steven Chu — a Nobel Prize winning physicist who is currently the Professor of Physics and Professor of Molecular & Cellular Physiology at Stanford University. He has a B.A. in Math, a B.S. in Physics, and a Ph.D. in Physics from Berkeley.

After Chu served the Department of Energy for four years, he was succeeded by Ernest Moniz — who earned his Ph.D. in theoretical physics from Stanford University. Moniz went on to join the faculty at MIT and eventually became the head of the physics department and co-chair of the MIT Research Council. These men are brilliant.

Trump just appointed Rick Perry — who failed his college chemistry course and had a transcript riddled with C’s & D’s. The former governor of Texas struggled his way into earning a bachelor’s degree in Animal Science from Texas A&M. He doesn’t have any graduate degrees. He is famous for saying that if he became president, he would disband the Department of Energy, but he couldn’t even remember the name of the department.

These dropoffs in education level between the Obama Administration and the incoming Trump administration aren’t rare.

Trump picks ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson as secretary of state


Secretary of State John Kerry (l.) and Rex Tillerson (r.), who Trump nominated for the same role.
(Zach Gibson/Getty Images)
Secretary of State John Kerry has a law degree from Boston College. Rex Tillerson, who Trump nominated for the same role, didn’t go to grad school at all.


The current Secretary of the Treasury is Jack Lew (l.). Trump nominated Steven Mnuchin (r.) for the same position.
(Eraldo Peres/AP)
The current Secretary of the Treasury is Jack Lew. Lew has a B.A. from Harvard and a law degree from Georgetown. Trump nominated Steven Mnuchin. He doesn’t have a graduate degree of any kind.

Education matters. It is often on college campuses where people are challenged with new ideas, new cultures, and opposing viewpoints that don't quite match their own.

While Trump, and these men, may indeed argue that they don't need advanced graduate degrees, because they are so rich and successful, I'd prefer both. Not only that, but many of these nominees, and indeed Trump himself, don't even have a day of experience working inside of the government. These systems are complicated and robust. To see the education levels drop off so much, is not just disappointing, it could be dangerous.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Has anyone taken a look at Mueller's legal squad he put together? In specific, the expertise of each lawyer on his squad. It basically tells you what Mueller is investigating. Potential fraud, money laundering, obstruction, etc.
Bruh that shyt looking like The Justice League. Literally

Dude is pulling out all stars


Nov 26, 2013

Somewhat related to the russia collusion investigation. Just to let you know who you're dealing with in regards to Putin allies in Eastern Europe.

Don't know if this has been posted
but if yall want to understand comrade Cheetoh's shoving of Montenegro's Prime minister During NATO conference:francis:
Russia 'plotted to assassinate Montenegro's prime minister and overthrow government'

Russia ‘plotted to kill Montenegro’s PM and overthrow government to stop country joining Nato’
Such a massacre could have tipped country into civil war and derailed any hopes it had of joining Nato and EU


Two Russian intelligence officers reportedly spent months plotting to kill Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic Getty
Russia was behind a plot to kill Montenegro’s pro-Western former prime minister to stop the country from joining Nato, senior British government officials have claimed.

Senior government sources told The Sunday Telegraph the alleged plot to kill Milo Djukanovic had been constructed in such a way that it could be blamed on rogue Russian nationalists if uncovered.

In November, a special prosecutor in the former Yugoslav republic said a group of “Russian nationalists” had planned to assassinate Mr Djukanovic to get an opposition party into power.

Moscow has denied any involvement in the plot, and Montenegrin opposition parties have said it was fabricated and accuse Mr Djukanovic of using the security services to extend his quarter century of dominance.

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Michael Flynn resigns as national security adviser over Russia row
However, the newspaper reports the alleged plot was foiled hours before it was due to take place on 16 October, on the eve of the nation joining Nato.

Read more
Moscow has repeatedly warned Montenegro to ditch its plans to join Nato. If Montenegro joined the Western military alliance, Russia would lose strategic access to the Adriatic Sea and Serbia would remain its only ally in the region.

“You are talking about a plot to disrupt or take over a government in some way. You can’t imagine that there wasn’t some kind of approval process,” an unnamed source is quoted as saying.

Two Russian intelligence officers reportedly spent months recruiting and equipping a small force of Serbian nationalists to attack the parliament building.

The alleged plot would have seen the attackers, disguised as police, open fire on a crowd of opposition party supporters as the election results were announced.

In the resulting confusion, other conspirators planned to force their way into the parliament building and kill the Prime Minister.

Such a massacre could have tipped the country into civil war and derailed any hopes it had of joining Nato and, later, the EU.

InsideGov | Graphiq
The Montenegrin police reportedly arrested more than 20 people on the eve of the election, including a former commander of Serbia’s special forces, while Serbian authorities detained others across the border.

After winning the parliamentary elections, Mr Dukanovic announced he would resign as Prime Minister and his deputy Dusko Markovic would take over the role and form the new government.

The newspaper said Britain and the United States’ intelligence agencies had gathered evidence of high-level Russian involvement in the plot.

World news in pictures
When asked about the newspaper report, Britain’s foreign ministry said Montenegro had identified Russian nationalists as behind the plot.

“Montenegro must itself deliver a competent, transparent judicial process and trial of the coup suspects,” a foreign ministry spokeswoman said.

“Success would be a major step in convincing the international community of real progress in Montenegrin rule of law reform and compatibility with Nato and EU standards,” she added.

The director general of MI5, Andrew Parker, said in November that Russia was pushing its foreign policy in increasingly aggressive ways including cyber-attacks and espionage, posing a growing threat to Britain and the rest of Europe.

Moscow has denied this, and has challenged Britain to produce hard evidence.

Last edited:

Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015


The Legendary Super Sapien.
May 2, 2012

Paul Ryan Taped With Russian Ambassador On GOP Money Laundering

Patribotics hopes to expand our reporting and commission other writers. If you would like to donate, there are buttons around the site, or you could make a contribution here.
Exclusive: Sources with links to the intelligence community now confirm that a tape exists of Paul Ryan, the Speaker of the House, discussing how Russian money could be funneled without detection to target GOP campaigns, including Ryan’s.

These sources report that Mr. Ryan is also on tape discussing how he can best use and disseminate Wikileaks material that was hacked from the DNC by Russia in order to win both his own election and election for Trump.

Further, sources say, the tape of Mr. Ryan discussing his knowledge of Russia funding the GOP that has previously been published in the Washington Post is in fact a small fragment of a much more damaging tape.

Patribotics exclusively broke the news of that tape one week before it was released in the mainstream media. In this story of May 11th I reported:

On Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House, normally third in the line of succession, I can report as fact that sources say that Ryan has been legally intercepted, and is on tape, admitting that he knew Russian money was being laundered into the Republican party. Without co-operation pending resignation Ryan may find himself swept up into a RICO prosecution involving the apparatus of the Republican party who accepted laundered Russian money.

A week later Adam Entous at the Washington Post printed his exclusive report on the partial content of that tape.

My sources had clarified, at the time, that this tape was not the same as I had heard previously, namely, that Paul Ryan was directly on tape at the GOP convention discussing money laundering with the Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak. Reince Priebus was on tape doing so, these sources said.

Separate sources with links to the intelligence community and justice departments now confirm that there are at least two tapes of Speaker Ryan discussing Russian money, however. One is the tape that I reported and which the Washington Post published. The second, however, is indeed of Ryan speaking with Kislyak at the convention. Sources report that there is signals intelligence, or SIGINT, of Paul Ryan discussing Russian money reaching the GOP and being covered up through companies using the ruling on Citizens United. Further, there is signals intelligence connecting Ryan to discussions on how best to use hacked data from Wikileaks to benefit Trump’s campaign and his own as well as the GOP in general.

Sources with links to the intelligence community report a widespread belief that Mr. Ryan is being forced to act sympathetic towards Trump and dismissive of the Russian probe because Russia holds kompromat upon him. There is anger, these sources say, amongst rank and file intelligence agents at Paul Ryan’s gross defense of Trump and rank misstatements of Director Comey’s bombshell testimony. Affirmation that Paul Ryan is on tape discussing Wikileaks and Russian money laundering with Sergei Kislyak at the GOP convention – as well as the extensive further tapes that exist of the Washington Post discussion where Ryan admits knowledge of the conspiracy to wash Russian money – may have been passed on in detail in order to remind the Speaker that if Russia holds kompromat on him so does the United States, and he may wish to reconsider his position before constantly defending treason by Donald Trump.

I haven't even been keeping up with this bullshyt but wtf :mjlol:

Like can his whole administration just be thrown out at this point?


Just end the season.
May 1, 2012

Paul Ryan Taped With Russian Ambassador On GOP Money Laundering

Patribotics hopes to expand our reporting and commission other writers. If you would like to donate, there are buttons around the site, or you could make a contribution here.
Exclusive: Sources with links to the intelligence community now confirm that a tape exists of Paul Ryan, the Speaker of the House, discussing how Russian money could be funneled without detection to target GOP campaigns, including Ryan’s.

These sources report that Mr. Ryan is also on tape discussing how he can best use and disseminate Wikileaks material that was hacked from the DNC by Russia in order to win both his own election and election for Trump.

Further, sources say, the tape of Mr. Ryan discussing his knowledge of Russia funding the GOP that has previously been published in the Washington Post is in fact a small fragment of a much more damaging tape.

Patribotics exclusively broke the news of that tape one week before it was released in the mainstream media. In this story of May 11th I reported:

On Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House, normally third in the line of succession, I can report as fact that sources say that Ryan has been legally intercepted, and is on tape, admitting that he knew Russian money was being laundered into the Republican party. Without co-operation pending resignation Ryan may find himself swept up into a RICO prosecution involving the apparatus of the Republican party who accepted laundered Russian money.

A week later Adam Entous at the Washington Post printed his exclusive report on the partial content of that tape.

My sources had clarified, at the time, that this tape was not the same as I had heard previously, namely, that Paul Ryan was directly on tape at the GOP convention discussing money laundering with the Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak. Reince Priebus was on tape doing so, these sources said.

Separate sources with links to the intelligence community and justice departments now confirm that there are at least two tapes of Speaker Ryan discussing Russian money, however. One is the tape that I reported and which the Washington Post published. The second, however, is indeed of Ryan speaking with Kislyak at the convention. Sources report that there is signals intelligence, or SIGINT, of Paul Ryan discussing Russian money reaching the GOP and being covered up through companies using the ruling on Citizens United. Further, there is signals intelligence connecting Ryan to discussions on how best to use hacked data from Wikileaks to benefit Trump’s campaign and his own as well as the GOP in general.

Sources with links to the intelligence community report a widespread belief that Mr. Ryan is being forced to act sympathetic towards Trump and dismissive of the Russian probe because Russia holds kompromat upon him. There is anger, these sources say, amongst rank and file intelligence agents at Paul Ryan’s gross defense of Trump and rank misstatements of Director Comey’s bombshell testimony. Affirmation that Paul Ryan is on tape discussing Wikileaks and Russian money laundering with Sergei Kislyak at the GOP convention – as well as the extensive further tapes that exist of the Washington Post discussion where Ryan admits knowledge of the conspiracy to wash Russian money – may have been passed on in detail in order to remind the Speaker that if Russia holds kompromat on him so does the United States, and he may wish to reconsider his position before constantly defending treason by Donald Trump.
This is like a wet dream but I'm not getting my hopes up yet.