ʟᴠʟ sᴇᴀɴᴄᴇ ᴘᴏᴛᴜs @thetomzone
hey dumbass jim hoft and jacob wohl: Robert Mueller was SERVING JURY DUTY IN DC the EXACT DAY you claimed he raped a woman in NYC (August 2, 2010). that's some surefire intelligence for ya
4:29 PM - 30 Oct 2018 from Boston, MA
The nerve of these conspiracy theorists. You can't make this up.
Try to bribe people to smear a vietnam veteran who was the director of the FBI on 9/11, during two wars, and who now leads one of the largest counterintelligence investigations in US history.
Feds about to move on these rethugs. :damnanimated: