Trump claimed no business ties to Russia but was endorsing a Russian telecom product linked to his recent NYAG lawsuit
Trump Marketing Scam ACN Tied to Russia – patribotics
5-6 minutes
Exclusive – Donald Trump faces a
new lawsuit about his
participation in the ACN MLM Marketing scam.
But what is not widely known is how closely tied this was to Trump’s collusion with the Russian state.Trump first appears about 72 seconds in to the promotional video and we’ve lined him up right here.Or you can just click below
Update: the great @SpicyFiles on Twitter has found yet another Trump-ACN video, this time endorsing the very same video phones that were partnering with the Russian state, as we detail below.
Patribotics has provided
this video with Donald Trump’s 2013 endorsement of ACN as he pushed them on his trip to Russia.
The co-founder of ACN ventures, Robert Stevanovski, competed in poker tournaments. Ivanka Trump, a defendant in the suit, was scrubbed by her father Donald from ‘Poker Ventures’ LLC, and other poker related companies, mostly because they linked directly to Russian hackers.Equally odd is that the state of New Jersey – (Ivanka Trump has a New Jersey address listed as one of her business records, associated with Poker Ventures) – has added to its newly published list of “Internet Gaming Ancillary Companies” both Poker Ventures LLC, which was already listed, but also “Novacorp Net Ltd”, “VidMob Inc” and “Reblaze Technologies”. …. Reblaze Technologies does not appear to have much to do with “ancillary services for internet gambling” in NJ – rather, it publishes anti-NSA blogs such as these, lauding the ‘hacking tools’ leaked by Shadow Brokers. Reblaze also offers lists of “protect your website” services you can buy from Russian hackers [sic], listing, ostensibly to protect against them, the full range of tools employed on Russia’s hack of America; its founder repeated the anti-NSA blog in an article that reads as a threat to hack America on Medium in December 2016. … Put all of these together – Novacorp, VidMob and Reblaze, as brand new additions to New Jersey’s “ancillary internet gambling companies” and you see three Russian companies involved, sources allege, with the Kelhios botnet, the direct Russian hack on American voter registries and the DNC, and malware delivered via the Kelhios botnet, that are now trying to cover themselves by pretending to have something to do with “online gambling”. Sources suggest that all three directly relate to Ivanka Trump’s “Poker Ventures” company with her father, which is listed on the same sheet Even the
right wing National Review magazine upbraided Trump for his lies about ACN in early 2016.In an interview with the Wall Street Journal last August on the subject of his relationship with ACN, formerly the “American Communications Network,” Donald Trump was unequivocal: “I do not know the company. I know nothing about the company other than the people who run the company…. I’m not familiar with what they do or how they go about doing that.”
But in Russia, Trump says:
“ACN has a reputation for success. Success that’s synonymous with the Trump name and other successful names, and you can be part of it.”
Later in the video,
Trump adds
“The beauty of ACN is that you’re in business for yourself but not by yourself. You have a great partner with you by your side, every step of the way.”
ACN was, of course, a scam, as multiple commentators have already revealed.
But its main product, a useless video phone, was run by WorldGate Communications, which was a partner of the Russian state and ran “data centers” in both America and Russia. Trump can be seen endorsing these in the third video, below.
BUSINESS WIRE)–July 17, 2006–Express Telecom,
a Russian telecommunications provider and WorldGate Communications Inc. (NASDAQ:WGAT) announced today that they have entered into a resale and supply agreement providing for Express Telecom’s purchase of WorldGate’s Ojo(TM) Shadow personal video phones for resale to customers in Russia. …..
Express Telecom is a Russian provider of telecommunications networks and services. The primary offices are in Moscow with additional locations in Russia and the United States. Express provides services to both consumers and enterprises and runs a variety of data centers to support those services.
endorsed-by-Trump video phones worked on voip and required customers to have the technology set up at both ends to work.
Russia would have found communication simple with ACN’s WorldGate phones. We will be updating this story with more as we get it. Trump said he had “no business in Russia” yet is promoting ACN there in 2013. Yet another lie from the liar-in-chief – but one that may reveal yet more about Trump’s collusion with Russia even than it shows how eager he was to rip off ordinary Americans who trusted him.
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